Chp 2: nightmares and daydreams

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{slight trigger warning. Be safe<3}

"What's going to happen mommy?"
"Don't worry, sweet girl, everything okay." Mom croaked through heavy breathing.

I was only a kid when it happened.
She pulled me into a hug weakly and whispered gently in my ear:
"I love you."

"I love you too," I choked back in a small voice.

That moment was too short. Everything happened in a flash too soon afterwards.

The hospital monitor beeped louder, her breathing got faster, doctors rushed in, and I was suddenly grabbed by my shoulders and dragged out of the room. I dug my heels into the floor trying to shake them off as I hollered at the top of my small lungs.

The last thing I saw was the doctors blocking the view of Mom.

The last thing I heard was a flat beep from the monitor.

I wailed as the one last glimpse I had got of my mother was displayed behind tears in my mind and was forced out of the room.

Rae's POV:
When I woke up I was in tears, shaking, and coughing. I felt engulfed in an exhausted numbness while in my groggy state from the nightmare... I hadn't had a nightmare about Mom's death in years. Usually they were about Dad...

That was when all the abuse, all of the pain, the scars overtook my thoughts once more.

My secret I never had really bothered to share with anyone.

All of it came flooding back, engulfing me, and I found myself whimpering.
I probably would've cried myself back to sleep had I not heard careful footsteps slipping closer. I immediately sat up as my my senses kicked in. I looking around, I realized I was sitting on a couch that definitely wasn't mine.

Okay, so on the bright side Dad didn't find me...
But, I've been kidnapped by a random stranger. That's dandy.

The footsteps became closer as I heard a curtain open behind me.

I inched into the corner of the sofa, threw my arms over my knees, and tried to protect myself as best as I could. I was too tired to fight back. It seemed like I was always too tired. I had been for so long that instead of fighting back like I once would've, I buried my face into my arms and braced myself.

Then something unexpected happened.
I felt the couch move, almost as if someone had sat down next to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't dare move.

"Are you alright?" the voice asked in a concerned, gentle tone.

I didn't say a word and lowered my head as a single tear added to the stream staining my cheeks.

I didn't dare look.

The stranger rubbed my back comfortingly. I tensed.

"Oh sorry," the hand left, "I probably should've asked first..."

A long silence hung in the hair.

"I, uh..." The voice began once more, "I-it's gonna be alright. Don't worry..."

I could tell the hesitant voice was searching for more words to say. Despite my curiously I being myself to look back to see who was behind the somewhat familiar voice.

"Do you want a hug?" I was asked.

A hug? I didn't even know the person and they wanted to give me a hug? My first thought was on how sketchy that would be but...part of me really wanted a hug. In all honestly, part of me really needed a hug.

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