Chp 3: Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty. Odd.

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{ slight trigger warning. Stay safe <3 }

Rae's pov:
"Can't take the kid from the fight,
Take the fight from the kid.
Sit back, relax.
Sit back, relapse again."

The lyrics played over and over in my head, I couldn't shake them away. Despite my lack of consciousness it wouldn't stop repeating. It was odd how relevant the song was to my life. My ludicrous struggle of a life...that was the way I thought of it. Some people don't know what it feels like to be not wanted.

I do. Believe me.

My dad made me feel that way everyday. All of the beatings, the bruises, the cuts he put on my body, the pain he caused me... I wanted it all to go away and last night was the most affection I had a very long time, to say the very least.

It was so odd to receive something like that from a complete and utter stranger.

Although, I wouldn't deny that it was nice not have to worry about waking up to beatings and screams. Albeit I loved my dad I couldn't stand the way he was when he was drunk. It was like he was never sober anymore. He was not the dad I grew up with, but a complete monster.

I couldn't stay asleep any longer so eventually I opened my eyes to see the maroon built-in couch I had been resting on. Countless black and gray pillows of all shape, sizes, and styles framed the couch I was on and the quaint table with identical cushions parallel of me.

I propped myself up and took a minute to scope my surroundings. Tinted windows on either side of me let in the smallest amount of early morning light.
There was a small kitchen to my right with matching granite counter tops and dark brown wooden cabinets. Papers, junk, a Capri Sun box took up most of the space. My eyes followed black, shimmering, marble tiles that were laid neatly up and down the narrow room to my left. That was when it hit me.

There was a driver's seat, wheel, and steps to a little door.

Was I in a bus?

Holy crap, I am in a bus.

Had it really taken me that long to realize where I was? I supposed I had never been a bright and early morning person...

At the very least it was a nice bus. Hopefully the kind stranger from last night wasn't some shady pedophile.
Well, there's a box of Capri Suns...

I did my best to sit myself up but I was stopped by a large amount of pain overtaking me. Safe to say actually having a small amount of peaceful sleep for once made me forget. How pleasantly unpleasant.

Despite looking like a pear that just took a trip in a bingo machine in one of those old folk's home, I attempted once more to get up. I leaned over to grab the edge of the counter while biting my lip to stop from crying out in pain. I slipped the warm wool blanket off me as I placed my sore feet on the cold tile. Right as I began to use the counter to stabilize myself I noticed my shoes were missing.

I should probably find thos-

My thoughts were interrupted by my hand slipping off the counter. My legs then gave way and I made impact with the tile. All the papers then decided to follow me down, as did the box of Capri Suns, landing perfectly on a huge bruise on my leg. There was no holding back the yelp of extreme pain. I was on the ground, with my long, black hair in my face, whimpering in pain, and covered in papers.

Like I always say, I have the grace of a walrus.

Ryan's POV:
Snoring. That was the first thing that came to my senses.


My tired eyes peaked over at the nearest alarm clock. 7:22. That was way too early for the morning after a concert.

Refusing to wake up I rolled over and shut me eyes once more. Although my eyes snapped open once more a few minutes later.

More snoring.

I groaned in exhaustion as I turned back over to get something to throw at Brendon from the parallel top bunk. I slipped down and out of my bed, careful not to disturb Jon sleeping below me. I rubbed my groggy eyes as they tiredly looked for a good thing to whack snoring beauty with.

That was when I was interrupted my a large thud and cry.

The girl!

I flung myself at the curtain and opened it with full force. I probably should've attempted to make less of a commotion but that wasn't on my mind. The next thing I knew, I had three, half awake band members stumbling behind me.

There, howling in pain, the girl sat there covered in papers and junk with the Capri Sun box on her leg. I clenched my jaw; it looked awfully painful.

Brendon and I sprang into action as I moved the Capri Sun box and he began to gather the papers.

Damnit, who left that box out?

Oh wait...

It was me...

"Are you alright?" I asked frantically

Rae's POV:
Everything hurt. And when I say everything, I mean everything.

I winced repeatedly through my gritted teeth. What a great first impression I made: falling on my butt first thing after getting up. The mixture of embarrassment and frustration with myself threatened to flush my face; I was really pitiful.

"I-I'm alright," I stammered.

I felt myself being helped up and placed carefully on the sofa behind me. I still hadn't quite caught my breath, and with my hair all in my face I'm sure I looked like a hot mess. Emphasis on the mess part.

"Are you sure?" That familiar voice questioned.

Attempting to situated myself, I did my best to straighten up my hoodie. I responded and looked up mid-sentence while brushing my ratted hair out of my face to make eye contact with the strangers in front of me.

"Y-yeah, I'm sur-"

The instant I looked up my throat dropped.


A/n: well how is it so far :D I hope it's okay, I'm so sorry I haven't updated.. There's been a lot going on with school and other stuff.
- Hannah x
Special thanks to Hannah and all you lovely readers!

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