Death Race

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Liberty island. The first challenge that revealed almost five years ago. A nightmare of a race track that designed by Halliday, the madman that started the whole thing. The man that created a series of elaborate challenge to find an heir to his multi billion video game company. To tell the truth, the whole things sounds pretty reckless and kind of irresponsible. At least for Soren. Then again, this is Halliday we're talking about. He made several questionable decisions throughout his life. Truly an eccentric madman. Soren thought to himself. The fact that it has been five years and no one has ever came close to complete the challenge also seems a little odd to Soren. Gamers are notorious for digging through video games levels and searching everywhere for hidden details and... Well, Easter eggs.

Soren walk through the rows of players. Trying to find a small lot to place his bike. He look ahead and noticed a monster truck on the first row. Seeing a familiar face stuck out of the window and talking to another player. It was Aech the player that he gets to know on the planet doom. Seeing that there's a little time left he decided to say hi to the large man. He walked pass several black and grey cars that look all the same. Down to the IOI logo and drivers with same outfit and numbers on their helmet. The sixers. IOI's employee that's been specifically hired by Nolan Sorento to hunt the Easter eggs.

IOI or innovative online industry is a global telecommunication conglomerate and the biggest internet provider in the whole planet. Their main focus are usually providing access to log onto Oasis along with selling goods, hardwares, and services inside the game. The company has attempted several hostile takedown to the Oasis. None that has been successful thankfully. So when Halliday announced the Easter Egg hunt it's no surprise that IOI saw that as an opportunity to take over the game for good.

Soren glanced at one of the car. Seeing the soulless corporate slave inside with a number on their helmet. Well, saying them soulless is a bit harsh. Considering they're just doing their job. Sixers are contract-bound and even provided with stable paycheck, food, lodging and even retirement. And the most important thing. Unlimited resources. Soren could see the benefits and can't really hold it against them in the end. It's a pretty sweet deal to be honest.

Soren reached the front row and crossed path with a male player in black t-shirt and sleeveless denim jacket. His most notable features are his pale skin with shades of blue on his cheeks and his snow white hair. Their eyes met for a second before they eventually keep walking to their destination. Soren bumped the side of the truck lightly. Catching the attention of the driver inside.

"Hey! You're here!" Aech said with an excited smile.

"Of course I'm here. Nice junk you got here." Soren said jokingly while bumping the truck again. Albeit a little less gentle this time.

"I just thought that you'll chicken out." He said with a smirk. Ignoring the comment about his car.

"Me? Never! This seat taken?" Soren asked, noticing the empty space beside Aech.

"Yeah, I saved the spot for my buddy but he decided to go to the back and skim some quick cash." Aech said while leaning on his window.

"Mind if I take it?" Soren said while opening his inventory to take out his ride.

"Be my guest. Just don't crash too early will ya?" Aech said with a taunting smirk.

"Don't mind if do." Soren said with a chuckle before throwing the miniature bike to the ground. It expanded In a bursts of polygon and grow to it's original size. Soren mounted on the bike and turn on the engine. Revving it up a few times while glancing at the man beside him.

"Show off!" Aech said with an amused face before the city moved and expanded. Revealing a track in front of them. The race is about to start.

Soren take a deep breath and gripped at the handlebars with a serious expression. Not long after, the statue of liberty fired off a firework that exploded just above the racers. Taking this a signal to start. Soren burst ahead with his bike. Leaving trails of dust and weave through the heavy traffic of sixers and players. Some of the players already crash into each other and explosions could be heard throughout the race.

Soren pushed ahead. Weaving through the traps and debris while trying to evade any sixers that's trying to crash their car onto him. Two of them appeared on each of his side and it's clear they are about to crush him. He cursed and pulled the break. Causing his bike to slow down significantly. Thee sixers who's going in full speed crash into each other and flipped. One of them falling down from the track and explode while Soren emerged from debris unharmed. He look back and saw that he's ahead from most of the sixers. Leaving some of the players ahead of him. He was going at full speed when suddenly a truck appeared from the other way. It crashed onto several players and lose control. Heading straight at Soren. He look ahead with a shocked expression before taking a sharp turn. Sliding down under the gap of the of the truck. Leaving some scratch mark on the side of his bike. He recovered quickly and pushed ahead before noticing the nasty scratch on his ride.
"Oh, come on!" He said with a frustrated tone before turning his attention back to the race.

The race keep going with almost half of the players and sixers eliminated. Courtesy of the T-rex from Jurassic Park that appeared halfway through the race. Soren could swear that this race is getting harder each time. Almost seems like it's impossible to finish. He let his mind wander for a bit before he noticed that the dinosaur is heading straight at him. He cursed silently while riding at full speed ahead. Trying to escape the monster that's slowly catching up to him. He noticed a broken road ahead of him. The metal is curled upward slightly. And it's wide enough for his bike to use it a ramp. Without hesitation he gained a momentum and ride full speed at the road. Causing his bike to leap straight to the air. Unfortunately he's not fast enough and the T-rex is right behind him with it's mouth wide open. It's snapped at his bike. Completely ripped off the back part of his vehicle and caused him to get thrown off of his seat and fall down to the road.

Meanwhile, aech is right below him. Having lost one of his wheels has rendered him unable to continue the race. His attention is currently on Parzifal that somehow managed to take a lead. He's currently tried to outrun kong that's climbing at the building. Trying to stop him from finishing the race. Aech's focus is broken when he heard a scream from above him. Soren is falling down and crashed onto the back of his truck and bounced onto his hood. Leaving a human shaped dent.

"Ow...." Soren said weakly while laying down on aech's hood even though he can't really feel any pain. His health is in critical red and his shield is completely obliterated.

"What the... How?!" Aech said while looking up and at the sky and back to Soren.

"T-rex." Soren said simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He look back at the road and noticed the remnants of his bike.
"Ah... Balls." He said with a grimace while slowly getting up.

"Looks like Z doesn't make it too." Aech said after looking at the players ahead of them.

Soren noticed the white haired player but not the other one. They seems to be arguing about something before they turned around. Both of them looking at Aech with expectant look on their face.

"I got a bad feeling about this..." Aech muttered to himself as he look at both of the players.

Soren laid his head back at Aech's hood. Silently crying over the death of his bike. Seems like he hit a stroke of bad luck recently. He can only groan while thinking to himself.

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