Ch. 11

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[3Rd POV-]

We left off with a drunk Y/N and friends around him that didn't know what to do or how to respond from the situation.

Ahri- 'Oh god what's gonna happen to him now'.

She ruffled her hair a bit from frustration and saw
Y/N stood up from his seat which everyone just a bit and nervous too.

Senna- Oh.. what's he gonna do now ?

Akali- Get read i guess? Ehh...

All of them didn't know what to expect from a drunk 15 year old Y/N. He lift his head up and had a happy expression on it.

Evelyn- Is he...?

All of a sudden they heard music coming out of nowhere and Y/N exiting the karaoke room.

Kai'sa- Best if we follow him.

They all nodded and got up from the seat while akali took a single sip of soda from her glass and followed the rest.

Qiyana- Where is this music coming from though?

Ahri shrugged and continued following Y/N. And some people came out of their karaoke room and followed Y/N, which earned an unsettling feeling for the girls while the rest had a straight happy face on it.

Akali- What the—

She was interrupted by the music that's coming out of nowhere and the girls immediately recognized tune of the music and it was a classic hit song from Gloria Gaynor.

The piano started playing and the voice of Gloria could be heard from everywhere as if the mall music was playing the song.

The girls found themselves in the middle of the mall surrounded by huge group of people and started dancing to the song.

Evelyn- How did he even get up there?

She pointed at where Y/N is and he was standing on a stage all alone while he started dancing to the song.

Kai'sa- I dont know for you guys but I'm joining him up there and dance too!

She then used her ability which let immediately be beside Y/N and started dancing with him. The girls just looked at each other not sure what to do...

Akali- Why the hell not?

The ninja she is just stood beside Y/N and started dancing along with and the huge crowd of people also started dancing with him.

Evelyn- See you guys at the top!

Senna, Qiyana, ahri and Evelyn didn't waste time and luckily got them selves out of the crowd and stared dancing along with them.

The crowd cheered for the dancers on the while the girls who were with Y/N had a satisfied look on their faces and panting a bit too.

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