Ch. 51

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Where my lonely squads at 😔 ?

I'm so hyped to play cyber punk 2077! And also the Vergil DLC as well, I think the Vergil dlc is gonna come next month. Since ps5 is being released And all.

So... this won't be like Y/N saving the world and all. It's all going to be.. based on Y/N.
Don't worry there's no crossovers, you'll see the same cast but just a bit... different.

Warning: Some gory shit is about to go down.


February 14, Sunday, 2021.

5:00 PM

[Kai'sa POV]

It's Valentine's Day~! Oh I can't wait to show the present we four made for Y/N, he's going to be saying "Wow you guys! You did this all by yourselves?!". Something like that but I'll know he'll be surprised.

Speaking of Y/N I haven't seen him today. I thought he was going to make a love song dedicated to us or his fans or he'll even both, but lately there's been no sign of him till now. We sent our agents and body guards to search him but unfortunately didn't succeed in doing so.

Kai'sa- Im really starting to worry about Y/N girls, we haven't seen him this whole entire day. How are you so calm Ahri?

Ahri- The hell you mean "I'm calm". I am just as worried or even more worried for him than you.

Akali- Come down ladies, we don't want to fight especially for today's occasion. We don't wanna mess this up for Y/N.

Ahri and I both sighed still not relieved that the fact we haven't seen or heard anything from Y/N up till now. Evelyn is doing the search herself and told us to take care of the house, which won't stop us from worrying or searching Y/N for ourselves.

Akali- Have you checked all of Baskin-Robbins?

Kai'sa- Yes I've checked and he isn't in any one of them. How about you two?

Akali- I checked all the video game shops and no luck.

Ahri- I asked all of our friends, family and relatives. But you guessed it.

Kai'sa- *sigh* he's not there. Then would he be then? There has to be a place we haven't checked yet, how about the beach?

Akali- Still haven't went there. Best if we check, let's go come on.

Oh Y/N where are you?

[Evelyn's POV]

God fucking damn it! Those agents and bodyguards I've sent better for their job properly or else there going to get fired and kicked out of my penthouse!
Y/N honey please come back to us, we're sick and worried for you my love.

Cereza- Honey? How are you holding up?

Evelyn- I'm not fine mommy. I'm still-

Jeanne- Worried and scared for him? I know, your face is telling everything your thinking of right now. Don't worry. We'll find him in no time.

Evelyn- I hope your right mom.

I exited my moms car as I fixed my hair a bit and drank some water from the water bottle mommy gave. I call cereza as "Mommy" and Jeanne as "Mom" if anyone gets confused. I sighed from my nose and started searching around his old house.

My mothers followed me behind as I opened the door leading to his old dusty living room. Pictures of Y/N was cut off from every single family picture his family took, he even left his old teddy bear when he was very young.

Be bad or good ? (Malereader x KDA)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα