Mentality and insanity.

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I honestly don't know why I'm writing this at all. It just randomly came up on my head and decided to name it the name above.

I guess you could say it's about the mentally of Y/N or something. It's just a thing i wanted to get out of my head and why not do it here ay?

This won't be a crossover to RWBY and KDA btw because... just no.

Just Y/N and RWBY characters.


[Third POV]

Team RWBY, Team JNR, Qrow and Oscar are in a secret basement built by Ozpin himself

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Team RWBY, Team JNR, Qrow and Oscar are in a secret basement built by Ozpin himself. Ozpin who is in control of oscars body is using this final resort, summoning the hero of Remnant from another world. And that hero is... YOU (Y/N).

Qrow- You sure this is safe, Oz?

Oscar (ozpin)- This person may be our final hope. Team RWBY and Team JNR are completely shattered to pieces by Salem herself.

Qrow- I know but i just hope you know what your doing, Oz.

Oscar (Ozpin)- Trust me on this one, qrow.

Ozpin nodded to yang indicating her to press the button on the teleporter machine design and created by Atlas military forces... before they went AWOL.

Yang pressed the big red button then the teleporter activated showing white bright lights, after what it seemed like forever some one finally appeared. After this "someone" appeared the teleporter shut down.

?- Whew never gonna eat burrito again...

This "someone" went a bit wide eyed when he opened his eyes seeing Team RWBY, Team JNR sitting at the couch. Oscar and qrow stood in front of him and looked down on him since he's small.

?- Am I dreaming? Dammit i knew should've not drank that weird can.

Oscar (Ozpin)- No your not dreaming young man. This is the real world, well other world.

?- What?! I'm in another world?!

Qrow- Calm down kid, I know it sounds crazy but-

?- This is so awesome! I knew multiverse is real! Man what world is this called.... Sir?

Oscar (Ozpin)- My name is Ozpin and we're in a middle of war right now and we're asking you young man for assistance.

Jaune- More like save the whole entire world instead of assistance for you ask me.

Ren punched Jaunes shoulder meaning to "Shut up". Jaune waved it ok and look back down at his foot, Ashamed of what he said.

Jaune- Sorry.

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