Are You a Vampire?

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People thought being a vampire would make dating easier.

Gerard did too.

But it turned out, he was still the same introverted guy he was before turning, and he was still afraid of being rejected. 'Nobody likes chubby guys,' he told his brother when he tried to convince him to go out with him.

'Shut up about that! You know that's not true!' Mikey said.

'Well nobody likes vampires.'

'Are you serious?' Mikey pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the most serious expression. 'I bet absolutely everyone has fantasies with a vampire.'

'Not one that looks like –,' but he didn't even finish his sentence because Mikey slapped him hard. 'What the fuck, Mikey?!'

'You deserved it.'

And so they were off.

The club was crowded, and the music was shit. Plus, all the lights. All Gerard wanted was to abort mission as soon as possible, but he knew he couldn't leave his brother alone.

He couldn't even get drunk anymore because alcohol didn't have an effect on him. So he just sat and drank all the cranberry vodka his broke ass could afford, just for fun, and sat by the corner.

Then he saw him.

The prettiest boy with the tattoos.

He seemed to be to intoxicated, dancing with everyone. Enjoying the moment. Drenching in sweat with his eyes closed, while a man pulled him closer to him.

But Gerard knew he would never look at him.

So he just looked at his phone, and drew on napkins to pass the time.

'Is that an alien?' he heard someone say behind him, and oh surprise, it was the pretty boy.

'Uh uh,' Gerard said nodding. He only hoped he wasn't drooling.

'Can I see?' Gerard nodded again, and the boy took the napkin. 'Wow, you're good!' He sounded drunk, and he smelled amazing. A mix between cologne, sweat and pheromones.

'Thanks,' Gerard said.

'You're cute. Let's go dance.'

'I don't dance,' Gerard stuttered. Did he call him cute?

'Well, too bad.' And then, he was being dragged to the dance floor, while the pretty boy danced with him, holding a drink in his hand, managing not to drop it as he grinded against Gerard. 'What's your name?!' he yelled in his ear.


'I'm Frank!'

Frank pulled him closer and told him how to dance, but Gerard was still figuring out why Frank wanted him to dance with him, and why he thought he was cute. Was he blind?

And suddenly, Frank was leaning in, without much of a warning, and pushing his warm lips against his.


Gerard couldn't help but kiss him back.

It was like they turned the switch on, and he was so horny out of nowhere, and Frank was the only thing that could help with it. He pushed his tongue down his throat and felt his skin under his hands, and he had to fight the urge not to bite him.

'You're –,' Gerard whispered. 'Delicious.'

Frank laughed.

He was like a drug, the only one that worked on Gerard. And he wanted more.

He pushed Frank to the wall, where he busied his hands going under Frank's shirt as he kept kissing him, going down his neck, so tempting –

'Let's go somewhere else –' Frank said, already panting. 'I don't like blowjobs in a dirty restroom.'


'My place. But you'll have to drive, I'm not –'

Gerard nodded, but he just couldn't leave Frank alone.

Gerard found Frank's car in the middle of the parking lot, while Frank clutched to him. 'Stay awake, okay?' Gerard said. 'You need to tell me how to get to your house, okay?'

'It's right by the mall.'

They started driving, and Frank put on music. The drive was short, but Frank was getting impatient and a little handsy.

And though Gerard appreciated the attention, he didn't know if he could drive with a horny tiny man getting in his pants. 'Gerard – stop,' he said.

'What? Why?'

'Stop. I can't suck you like this.'

Gerard almost crashed against a tree. 'What the fuck!' But by the time he pulled over, Frank was already pulling down his underwear and leaning down to put his mouth around him, and had no time to protest between moans. Fuck, fuck, fuck – Frank's lips were like magic, and he swore he could come any second.

And when he hummed around him –

He still didn't know how he was lucky enough to find Frank, but it was definitely the best day of his after-life.

Gerard was close, eyes shut and moaning, that he almost didn't see the red and blue lights behind them. But he heard the voices, and the radio. 'Frank, the cops –'

'Fuck!' he said, cum dripping down the corner of his mouth, sitting up immediately. He wiped it off while Gerard pulled up his zipper, just in time for the officials to knock on their window.

'Gentlemen,' the one with the black hair said, looking at Gerard. 'Everything good here?'

'Yes, officer,' he replied.

'Just checking in.' He turned to the other cop behind him to say something, and then turned back with a confused expression. 'Are you a vampire?'


Were his fangs showing?

Good thing Frank was too drunk to even know what was happening. 'No!' he said, pretending to be offended.

But the cop still gave him a look.

'Are you sure? I –'

They definitely saw something.

'I'm pretty sure vampires aren't real. So no, I'm not a vampire.'

'My apologies. On your way,' the cop said. 'Drive safe.'

'We will.' Gerard could swear he heard them saying they were Satan worshipers, and all he could do was roll his eyes. They had no fucking idea.

'Vampires?' Frank said, giggling. 'Are they serious? They're not real!'

'I know right?' Gerard said, a little nervous, and he was glad he couldn't sweat.

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