he's not dead he only looks that way

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'No, Frankie, wake up! Please!' Gerard cried, holding Frank's lifeless body in his arms.

He'd been crying for hours, it felt like. But there was nothing he could do. He knew it the moment he tasted the first droplets of blood and realized he had bitten his Frankie.

He could still remember Frank's voice telling him he was okay despite everything. He could still hear him.

But there was nothing he could do.

Just wait.

He knew what was coming.

Now he just had to wait for Frank to wake up. At least, he'd have Gerard to guide him through the steps. To hold his hand through the transition.

But the wait was to painful.

Seeing him lying there, unconscious. Pretty much dead.

The blood around the bite was dry by now, and he was starting to look purple.

Gerard cried, saying over and over how sorry he was and that he didn't mean it. But it was too late. And there was only one person who could help him.

He put on his pajama pants, and clean underwear on Frankie, and went upstairs.

His brother was most likely asleep, but he had no choice other than knocking on his bedroom door. 'Mikes! I need your help, please!'

His brother knew it the second he opened the door and saw him crying. All he could say was, oh, shit, and then followed him downstairs to the basement.

'What happened?' the younger Way asked.

'We were –' Gerard stopped before saying too much, but by his face it was obvious.

'Ew, no! I don't wanna know!'

'Well, I just got too excited, and bit him, and didn't realize until it was too late.'

Mikey looked down at Frank's corpse. 'How long has he been –?'

'I don't know. An hour? Twenty minutes? I don't know.' There was a pause. 'How long was I out?'

'I don't know. You came home in the middle of the night. I thought you'd left with someone so I just left. You came home crying saying something wasn't right, and I thought someone put something on your drink.'

Gerard remembered that. He remembered waking up in the alley and it being empty. No one even made sure to check on him. He remember thinking he had too much to drink, and also the weird feeling on his stomach when he saw that guy wiping blood off his face. But it took them a couple more days to realize he was a vampire, and longer time to come to terms with it.

'So I just wait?'


'And what will happen after?'

'I don't know. But he'll probably get hungry, so just feed him some of the stakes from the fridge. And keep him away from humans, especially bleeding ones.'


'Okay. I'll go back to sleep. Let me know if something happens.'

'I will.'

Gerard lay back in bed once his brother went upstairs, an arm around his dead boyfriend, waiting for him to wake up.

He sang to him and caressed his chest.

He told himself that at least now he wouldn't be alone for the rest of time, and that maybe it was meant to be. But he couldn't stop feeling guilty.

He whispered in Frank's ears, telling him he'd be okay, and that he had him.

And without noticing, he started to fall asleep.

Frank woke up with a gasp.

He sat up, looking around in confusion, freaked out.

'Gee, Gee –' he said, but his voice wouldn't come out and his boyfriend was still sleeping. So he moved him until he opened his eyes.

'I – I –,' Frank tried to say.

Gerard wrapped his arms around him, hugging him. He knew he was scared. He apologized again, but Frank pushed him away.

He tried to say something, but then felt his fangs in his lower lip. And shocked, he looked up at Gerard and said, 'I'm a vampire.'

VAMPIRES WILL NEVER HURT YOUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz