Vampire Boyfriend

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'This can't be real,' Frank said, pacing around his room. 'I can't believe this is happening.'

'I'm sorry,' Gerard whispered. 'I tried to tell you, but –' He was in tears, hiding his face with his hands.

Frank stopped. 'No – I don't mean it like that. I just – vampires can't be real. How? That's just not possible.'

'But it is.'

'Then that cop was right?' he asked, an astonished expression on his face. 'I can't even believe I'm saying that. Me agreeing with a cop? What the fuck?' Gerard didn't say anything, while Frank kept pacing, muttering things like the werewolves should be real too, then, or cursing his luck. Then he stopped in front of Gerard again. 'Did you put me in some kind of spell or something? You know, mind control and that shit?'

Gerard shook his head. 'I still don't know why you like me.'

'Well –' Frank paused, not sure what to say. 'I thought you were cute as fuck. And it was weird that you were by yourself, and I saw you drawing thought you were adorable as fuck.'

'I'm not.'

'You are.' He sat in front of Gerard, just looking at him, his hand slowly reaching to touch his face. 'Can I ask something?'

Gerard looked up at him, not saying a word, but Frank took that as a yes.

'Have you always been a – vampire?'

He shook his head. 'A little over a year now. It's a long story.'

There was silence. Then out of nowhere, Frank was laughing hysterically.

'What? What's wrong?' the vampire asked, confused and a little hurt.

'Nothing, I just –' he paused, unable to look at Gerard. 'I think it's funny that I'm kind of seeing a vampire. Me.'

'Why is that funny?'

'My birthday is on Halloween. So I've always been into that kind of shit, you know – monsters, ghosts, vampires. And then you show up. And it's like – now it makes sense.'

Gerard giggled, his face turning red, and Frank's insides melt. 'It is funny, actually.'

'God, knowing you're a vampire just makes you sexier.'

It seems like Gerard is about to cry. 'Nobody has ever called me sexy.'

'Well, they're fucking blind. You sir, are sexy as fuck.' Frank started to lean in, breathing in Gerard's face. 'And it would be an honor if you stick those fangs in me.'

Gerard giggled. 'I would never hurt you.'

'I know.' Frank presses his lips against his, slipping in his tongue and licking his fangs. Gerard heard him moaning in pleasure when he did it.

Frank kept his curtains closed and put a blanket on top for extra protection from the sun. He then built a fort in the space between his bed and the bookcase.

'Ta da!' he said, showing his masterpiece to Gerard, who did his best not to cry. Frank was really doing all this for him?

They got in the fort, and lay on the blankets, surrounded by pillows that made everything very cozy. And Frank was next to him, protecting him, keeping him safe. 'Thank you,' he said.

'Of course.'

Then he started with the questions. 'So you live in a castle, or –'

'No,' Gerard said laughing. 'I live in my parents' basement.'

'That helps.'

'Do they know? Your family?'

'Just my brother.'

'But how do you keep it from them? I mean, living with them and all –'

'Well, nothing really changed. I've always lived in the basement. And before – you know, I was always a nerd who stayed at home reading comics. I still am. So they don't think it's because I'm hiding from the sun.

Frank nodded. 'And what do you eat? Like – do you feed off –'

'I eat the same stuff. Mostly meat. But I still love pizza and junk food.'

'But do you –' He seemed scared to finish what he was going to say.

Gerard hesitated to answer, so he took a minute. 'I did. Back when I became a vampire. I killed two people. Two random people in an empty parking lot.' He paused. 'It was awful. The fear in their eyes. I swore they'd be the last.' Frank wiped off his tears with the sleeve of his hoodie, and put an arm around him. 'My brother usually gets me meat, fresh from the butcher's. And he knows someone who works at the blood bank, and they have some kind of deal to get me old samples or the stuff they throw away.'

Frank gave him a quick kiss, catching him off guard. 'I just think it's funny how you're the most adorable guy, and yet you are deadly as fuck.'

'It's not funny.' But he laughed too.

'I love it actually. I love the fact my boyfriend is a vampire.'

'Oh, so we're boyfriends now?'

'I think we are.'

They kissed again, cuddling against each other. 'I'll never hurt you, Frankie,' he said, once he had fallen asleep. 'I promise.'

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