one night stand

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He thought vampires were a thing of movies and stories.

He never expected it.

Gerard was just at a concert with Mikey. Everyone was wearing costumes because it was Halloween. And Gerard was so excited about seeing his favorite band live. He had been following them for a while, so he had to go see them. A woman started flirting with him, and being the shy nerd he was, he thought someone had finally noticed him, so he didn't say anything when she approached him and started kissing him, or when she dragged him out to the back alley. She was wearing a sexy vampire costume, so he thought the fangs were fake, and he'd been drinking, so when she bit his neck, he didn't think much about it. He even liked it. And then everything went dark.


'Are you coming or not?' Frank asked, bringing him back to reality.

It was the first time he went to someone's place to –

He didn't even know if that was going to happen. As far as he knew, Frank was just drunk. There was no way he was attracted to Gerard. He might be a vampire, but that didn't make him sexy or attractive. He was still a chubby nerd.

It had been almost a year since, and Gerard still remembered that night as if it was only days ago.

'Let's go –,' Frank said, pulling him by the arm to get him out of the car and wherever his head had gone to. 'I'm horny.'

'I can see that.' That was the only reason he was there. Frank was horny and he would do it with anyone. And if Gerard had a little bit of dignity he would have just dropped him off at his apartment and leave. But even though they had just met, he felt he couldn't. He wanted – no, he needed Frank. He needed him near him. He needed his –

No –

He promised himself he would not do that to anyone.

Even if that meant dying.

He didn't even know how being a vampire worked. But he didn't exactly know other vampires. Every other book and movie said different things that contradicted themselves.

Frank dragged him inside a crappy apartment in the second floor of the building. There were two other guys playing video games in the living room. His roommates, he thought. They didn't even say a word or looked at them, and Frank just went straight to his room, so Gerard followed him.

Frank pushed him to the wall, and started kissing him, his warm tongue pushing in and he took off his own shirt. Gerard couldn't help looking at the tattoos. He was beautiful. How had he got so lucky?

'I need you to fuck me,' Frank whispered in his ear, and Gerard couldn't say no to that. He pushed him to the bed, and kept kissing him. He didn't know what it was about Frank, but it made him go crazy, and even though his experience was limited, he felt like he knew what he was doing, and there was so much lust inside that he couldn't stop.

Frank moaned under him, his body vibrating with anticipation.

Gerard left kisses down his jaw, down to his neck, and had to stop himself before he bit him. I am not going to hurt him, he repeated to himself.

He kept staring, maybe a little too long, until Frank noticed. 'Are you going to fuck me?' he said, sounding a little sad.

Gerard shook his head. He couldn't. He knew he couldn't stop himself if he did.

'But why?'

'Because I'm not – I'm not like that –'

'Like what? Are you calling me a slut?'

'I didn't say anything.' Gerard felt bad now. 'I just, I thought I could do it, okay? But I can't –' Weren't vampires supposed to be extra horny? He was the worst vampire ever, he knew that. A complete disappointment. 'I'm sorry.'

'No – it's fine.' But Frank still sounded sad.

They stayed like that for a moment, not sure where to go. Gerard felt embarrassed to get up, and didn't know whether he should leave or stay. It was starting to get uncomfortable, until Frank started giggling to himself. Fuck, he was so adorable.

'What are you laughing about?' Gerard said.

'Nothing – I just remembered how those cops thought you were a vampire. That was funny.'

'Oh, was it?'

'Maybe if you didn't wear so much black.'

'I can't help it. I'm emo as fuck.' And then they were both giggling, and Gerard started tickling him, and they kissed again, until eventually Frank fell asleep in Gerard's arms.


How was he supposed to leave now?


When Frank woke up, he was by himself.

He barely remembered the night before, but he remembered Gerard.

He then noticed the note by the pillow.

It was nice meeting you... sorry I had to leave, I had to work. G

Frank smiled, kicking his feet in the air in excitement.

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