chapter sixteenth

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Xavier POV

One week, she's been avoiding me for fucking long one week. And I am here looking so mess and can't even sleep properly nor eat properly. That woman never failed to amaze me, I even say please to her but still she never softened. Even I need to kneel down in front of her I don't care! I want to be together with her.

This morning I went to her clinic and found the test result that she's pregnant! My god! I feel like my spirit just left my body for a moment and my blood rushing to my head. I am happy at the same I am angry.

If she's pregnant why is she keep avoiding me? Instead we will plan out our wedding soon right?

I even confront her then she did not plan to inform at all. Oh shit! She even said that I don't have to take responsibility! Huh? Why would I? I think the pregnancy is blessing in disguise from above since I felt like it's taking my side.

I will have a reason for her not to avoid me and of course she's going to marry me. Hahahaha..

I look at the clock and it's shows it 4:30 in the afternoon. She will be arrived soon. The opening of the door grabs my attention and I find a beautiful woman busy getting inside the room.

"Home sweet home babe!" I welcome her with a big smile on my face.

She look at me shock , her eyes almost pope out. She even drop her bag on the ground. She snap towards me.

"What are you doing inside my house?" She said angrily

"Waiting for you of course!" Then I try to hug her but she push me

"Come on! I am going to be your husband. I deserve a welcome kiss!" I whine while I spread my arms trying to hug her. "Come here baby!"

She grab the pillow on the sofa and throw it to me.

"Are you out of your mind? How did you get inside of house? And please lower your voice my sister is inside her room!" She said still very angry to me

"Oh! I already serve her snack. She like to eat cheese cake so I bought one for her. And she's now busy playing her Xbox!" Then I catch her "gotcha!" I kissed her cheeks and I nozzle my nose to her hair "you smell so nice!" I said

"Xavier let go!"


"What? I like this way! Your my baby! Come let's go to the dining room and I will Lisa so we can eat together!" She knitted her brows looking at me. "What babe?" I asked her

"How did you get close to my sister? And why did you bought her Xbox?" She said

"Come on she get bored only herself in the house! I just wanted to make her happy! And I also asked my friend who own a school. He said he can recommend a good teacher for Lisa I mean I will enroll her homeschool. Online class is boring babe!" I told her.

"Xavier no! Lisa and I are not your responsibility! The child is not yet born so stay away from me. I will inform you the schedule of my prenatal so we can go together!" She told me. This woman really impossible. How can she casually refuse and turn down me so easily like that?

"Babe I'm tired of arguing with you again and again about this. But the results will still the same. You are my responsibility, our baby and Lisa too. Where going to be family so please can we stop fighting? I love you so much and everything you love I will it too. You are going to be my wife and mother of my children in the future!" I said lovingly to her. Then I hug her again and kissed the top of her head.

She look at me and I still see hesitation in her eyes. I cope her cheeks and take a pick on her lips.

"Hey sis! You didn't inform me you have a boyfriend!" Lisa said we didn't noticed her presence how she got in here. She walked towards us and I let go Emma then she hug her.

"I'm so happy knowing you have a boyfriend! You will never get bored. You always taking care of me.!" She said

"I am not bored taking care of you. Beside why did you allow him get inside the house? Didn't I told you never allow any stranger in the house?" Emma told Lisa

"But his my future brother in-law right? Right brother in-law?" She said while eyeing me. She so cute like her sister no wonder they are siblings they have same character.

"Yes of course! Come both of you! I already finished cooking our dinner let's eat!" I said while I reached Emma hand and hold it hand in hand walking to the dining room. Lisa following us looking happily.

I drag a chair for the both of them and I started serving food for them but Emma try to snatch it from me.

"Xavier stop it! I can serve myself and for Lisa! Just eat ok? You don't have to do that!" She glared at me.

"Nope! I want to serve the both of you. Beginning today I will be the one to take care both of you and our little one too!" I said

"What little one?" Emma asked confused

"Well! Sorry I didn't mean to break the surprised. But your sister and I expecting a baby! She's pregnant!" I said happily.

Lisa stand up and jump crazily out of joy. "Yes yes! I am going to be aunt! Sis why didn't you tell me sooner? Oh my God they're will be baby playing around in a few months! Waaahhhhh! I am so happy! Thank you big bro" She said loudly and Emma face palm herself looking at us.

"Both of you stop it ok? Calm down Lisa! Your still recovering from the surgery be careful!" She hissed.

"I love you sis! We will never be alone together again. Imagine in just span of time two member added in our little family. It's been lonely the two us you know! I am happy I have brother in-law and of course my little niece or cousin!" She said while hugging Emma.

Emma look at her with love and she caress Lisa back and her kiss her on top of her head.

"I'm glad your happy then I am happy too!" Emma said while smiling to her sister.

When can I get her to smile at me like that?

After that we proceed to eat but of course Lisa keep on talking while eating. I am happy to be part their family. Being alone for quite sometime now is refreshing to see this kind of environment. I always eat alone at my house or I eat outside or older food from take out.

At last I will never be alone too.

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