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It started with the beeping that'd been ringing in my head repeatedly, almost deafening in the endless darkness I'd somehow fallen victim to. The memories flooded me as the inflamed echoes of all the realities started returning to me.

She fucking betrayed me.

The thirst for vengeance came next, and for the first time since I became aware of my state of paralysis, I felt tremors in my fingers. Perhaps it was the impulse to kill, but the unforgiving blacks dissolved into reds, and before I knew it, blinding white stung my eyes, forcing the shadows back inside as the beeping got more fervent.

Needing the incessant noise to stop and for me to see something more than the inky blackness, I beckoned myself to calm down and opened my eyes more slowly. Blinking, I opened my eyes, squinting them when the lights threatened to blind me. Soon enough, the whites dissolved into faint shapes, and I could make out two people sitting in the corner of the room.

I didn't become aware of my surroundings in a heartbeat–like I usually would have had I been waking up from a nap–it started as an overload of sensations, almost like I'd been injected with too much adrenaline. I could feel my heart pounding, my head throbbing, and fucking hell, my throat was so dry. Finally, my gaze settled on Ma and Alex sitting on the couches, holding each other's hands, their eyes trained on mine.

Trying to offer them some semblance of comfort, I tried lifting my lips into a smile but coughed instead, my scratchy throat making its need known. They rushed to my side, and Ma squeezed my hand. I closed my fingers around her hand reassuringly; however, the simple action seemed to have drained me of any energy I might've had. The bed moved beneath me so that I was sitting up now, and Alex gently pushed a straw towards my lips.

Still unable to form words, I leaned forward and drank the water, finally feeling more like myself, albeit more helpless than I had felt in a while.

"How are you feeling? Are you in pain anywhere? Alex, call the doctor, please," Ma said in a flurry, and Alex seemed to have caught on to that as she rushed to press the button beside my bed.

Swallowing, I opened my mouth to form some words, "I'm... fine." My voice came out rougher than I was used to, and I swallowed again, preparing myself to say more, despite the growing discomfort at the back of my throat, "How.... lo–long was I out?"

I exhaled, clenching my free fist at my inability to do the most simple of tasks fluidly. Ma smiled softly, brushing hair away from my forehead as she leaned forward and kissed my forehead. Her eyes glistened with tears as she moved back, and I wanted to hug her, but my fucking arm just wouldn't move up.

"You scared me, again, you know," she sniffled, wiping the tears from under her eyes, "you scared everyone."

If I had a minuscule of energy left inside me and wouldn't feel my eyes closing again, I would've joked that this was an occupational hazard.

"As for your question, mio figlio, too long." She sobbed, burying her head in my chest, and Alex rubbed her back reassuringly, tears shining in her eyes as well. I moved my gaze to Alex's inquiring, and she mouthed later, making me focus all my attention on Ma.

Ma pulled back, but now she'd gotten blurry as I could feel my eyes droop, despite my resistance. My head began to feel foggy as I felt myself being pulled towards oblivion. My eyelashes seemed to be heavier, and I couldn't keep my eyes open for the life of me. I heard Ma whisper a year as the answer to my question before everything went black again.

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐓- 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐖𝐎 - 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now