03- My Mate?

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The feeling of the warmth stopped and I realized my breathing was stable now. I tried to get up, trying to not make my wolf anymore hurt than he already is. It still hurt a lot but at least I could breath. However, a foreign feeling of happiness seemed most prominent now; Onyx seemed really delighted for some reason. He pushed us up, and started chanting, 'mate, mate, mate, it's our mate Kai' he said. What? Our mate??? I then lifted my snout up taking in the scent that roamed the air, it smelt like how fresh the earth should become after it rains, it smelt like the forest and pine, and I loved it.

[The wolf]

After I noticed his breathing became stable again, I shifted back to my wolf form so I wouldn't scare him. He started trying to get up and I let him be, waiting for him to see that I was behind him.

I noticed he started sniffing the air, I could tell he smelled my scent, he started sniffing around even more, trying to find where the scent was coming from.

He turned around and saw me, and all I could see in his baby blue eyes was fear and pain. I could tell he was scared of me, but why? I tried to comfort him but ended up growling and now he looked like he became even more scared. So I shifted to my human form, my clothes still on me.


The wolf was the same black wolf from the previous day, his aura was strong; so I couldn't help but feel scared even though I feel like I didn't need to.

He then growled but his growl wasn't the mad, angry growl I was used to. It was oddly comforting, but I was still scared. Then he shifted to human, a breath of relief finally leaving me. I stayed in my wolf form, just in case.

'Gosh he is hot holy shi' Onyx said.

'Not the time Onyx! ... he is kind of hot though...'  My thoughts were interrupted when I see the man walking towards me.

He walked closer to me and bent down, pulling his shirt just a slight bit and asked, "Are you smelling this?" with a smile on his face. The same scent I longed for engulfed me, I sniffed taking in it once again, he chuckled a little bit, and I couldn't help but look at him in amusement, this guy, was my mate. My mate? Oh my gosh, my mate.

He then pulled back and backed up again, taking his beautiful scent with him. "Can you please shift for me, I would like to see my mate but also make sure you're okay" he said. His voice was calming and soothing, and so I decided to shift.

I didn't why I was giving in so much, it wasn't because of his aura, but I think it was because I felt that he wouldn't harm me.

I shifted and luckily I had my clothes still on, I didn't stand up, instead to braced myself on a tree with my knees up to my chest.

[The wolf]

Once he shifted, I saw a beautiful boy, he looked no older than 16, his hair was curly, but his clothes were all torn up, and had blood marks all over it.

He kept cowering to me, like I was going to hurt him, but I wasn't. I walked closer to him, I knew he liked my scent because he sniffed it once again.

I didn't nudged him to stand up because I know my healing powers only help so much, so instead in sat in front of him.

"Thank you for shifting." I said I wanted to make sure he knew that I'm not going to hurt him.

"My name's Asher." I thought it'd be a nice way to introduce myself because he wasn't talking at all but instead looking at me.

I decided to look back at him, into his beautiful eyes, and I saw a glimpse something, but I didn't know what it was.

"Asher are you g- going t- to hurt me?" He said stuttering, it broke my heart for him to think I'd ever hurt him, but I know he's been through a lot just by the way I found him.

"No, I won't ever hurt you, don't think that I will, I'll protect you instead. That's a promise. Right now, I need to know how you feel."

"W- why are you not r- rejecting me?" he said, my wolf whimpered at that. Why would he ever think I would reject him?

"Because you're my mate, I wouldn't ever reject you okay? I would love to get to know you more and build on our relationship in the future."

"O- okay.." he said, he also let out a breath of relief, which was good.

"How are you feeling though? Want to try standing up?" I was going to make sure he's okay first before anything; even though I was eager to get to know him more.

"Y-yea but I have a question Asher, did you save me?"

"Yes I did, I'll explain more about it once we get you to my pack." I said to make sure he's safe, he looked like an omega, but omegas at my pack don't act this way. They're strong, powerful creatures that stood their ground. My mate cowered and produced an immense amount of fear, it shouldn't be that way.

"Y- your pack?!"

"Yes, do you want to go back to your pack? Whichever is comfortable with you, I just want to see you stable and safe."

"I- I'm not welcomed t- there anymore, i-in fact t- they did this t- to me." he said. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I felt my anger level rising by the second knowing that they did this to my mate and an omega.

"What? No one hurts my mate. Moreover, no one is allowed to treat omegas in such cruelty." I said, My wolf was pushing to the surface due to the thought, but I had to keep him at bay.

"Y- your an Alpha?" He asked I could almost see tears forming in his eyes. He could've probably predicted due to the tone of my voice.

"Yes, but I won't hurt you ever. I couldn't control how angry I feel from what you just told me. Please know I'd never lay a harmful hand on you."

"O- okay.."

"Let's get you back to my pack, I'll let the pack doctor check you, get your room, and you can tell me about it if you want to."

And with that he nodded, I shifted, and he sat on my back in human form, and we went home.


Hey guys! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

This is Asher's and Kai's second meeting lol..

what type of hybrid do u guys think Kai and Asher is?? Lmk lol.

But anyways just know that I. Love. You and thanks so much for reading.

Plz vote and comment and I'll see you all in the next chapter!


~My Mate?~ (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now