22 - Three Weeks Later.

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- Three weeks Later -

Everything and everyone so far has been great. We welcomed Micah to our pack, even though he's an Angel, he'll be staying with us because of his mates and because he's my messenger. Aspen and Benji have been so happy, the happiest I've ever seen them. Although Benji has been busy these three weeks, I believe their relationship with Micah is going pretty good. Though Micah still seems a little uneasy..I think he'll adapt in no time, I was like that once too.

Max and Silas have been doing awesome, Max is finally out of his comfort zone, along with Asp and I, and he's venturing out. He's actually helping the Ina's, or mothers, out a lot. Let's just say he's kind of the Alpha for the Safety House, the house where all mothers and their kids practically live.

As the second Alpha or Luna of our pack I didn't necessarily talk about what happened three weeks ago, just to let everything and everyone go back to normal, but today I'm going to bring it up again. I do in fact have a lot questions to ask Micah.

Right now Max and I are making dinner for everyone. It's something we like to always do, especially Max, he just loves taking care of people, especially kids.

"What're ya thinking about?" Max asked.

"Oh..nothing really..I'm just glad the pack is back to normal but I do have some questions to ask Micah." I reply.

"Ohhh look at you go Alpha~" He said in a playful way.

"Oh dont you go there..you are in fact the Beta's~ mate!" I said laughing. We love to tease each other so much.

"Hey! Well..I mean that's true..we both get to decide things to do with the pack.." He said smiling. The Alpha, Beta, Delta, and their mates all get to decide and do things for the pack since they are all technically equal.

"Hey guys.." Aspen said walking in.

"Hey loverboy..you haven't been spending time with us." Max said. It's true, Aspen has been spending these three weeks with Micah, they probably even did the deed already who knows.

"Hey guys...you know I didn't mean to!" Asp said pouting.

I chuckled shaking my head, "Sureee okay I'll believe you.." I said with a smirk. It looked like Max caught on to what I was trying to do.

"So.." Max stopped cutting up the carrots walking over to a blushing Aspen, "Ya sure you guys didn't do the do?" He asked, hey! As much as we tease Aspen, we love him.

"What's the do-" He said. Then the realization hits him, "Hey! What the heck guys! Y'all better run!" He said, Max was already running down the hallway, and Asp took off running after him. I was just laughing.

I went back to stirring the soup I was making when I felt hands around my waist, "Mmhh..Chicken Broccli Cheddar soup..yum!" Ash said.

"Your favorite!" I said.

"Thanks baby..for making dinner for everyone..I would've but Silas, Ben, and I have all been way too busy with work.." He said, I turned around to face him, "It's okay..I understand, and I'm pretty sure Max and Aspen do too.." I said, hopefully he was reassured.

"Thanks babe..I love you.." He said and kissed me, "Ahem..sorry to interrupt..but Kai is dinner ready?" Silas asked, Ben standing behind him. I immediately pull away, my face cheery red.

"I- uh- yea, I'm almost done but Ben..one of your mates is chasing Sye's mate..so stop them before something bad happens please!" I said chuckling, Max and Asp are going to be in trouble.

Then we hear hollaring coming down the stairs, "Sorry not sorry Aspen!" Max said laughing and running away from Apsen whose also laughing, "Max! You get back here buddy!" I was laughing too, hard by now.

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