23 - Answers..

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"CRYSTAL MOON PACK!" Aspen said. I swear I sat there frozen. What? ...It didn't make any sense..my old pack?! I was starting the panic, breathing heavily, "Baby..calm down...shh...shh.." I was engulfed by a worried Asher.

"B- but...what? It doesnt make sense..i- i-" I couldn't form words, so that means the ring...it belongs to the person who captured Micah, which means that person belongs to my former pack...but who?

"Okay guys..whatever happens, especially you Kai, we have your back, we are here. After everything we've been through, I'm pretty sure we can handle something like this." Silas spoke. It was true, we were one big team.

"I agree, but we gotta let Chris and Cece know too. But Asp, could it be true, are you sure it's the Crystal Moon pack?" Benji asked.

"It is!" Micah, and I say that the same time. I needed to explain everything and so does Micah, so we know where we can start from.

- After dinner -


We were all sitting in the living room, it was night so everyone was sleeping, so now was the best time to talk about this. Sisi was cuddling Max, Aspen and Ben were snuggling Micah, and I was sitting with Ash, me sitting in his lap.

"So..Kai, you and Mimi said that it is true about what I said. Did you guys get a feeling, I mean I would've too along with Ash.." Asp spoke up. See that's the thing, Aspen wasn't part Warlock like us, and no one knew about the whole creation of Warlocks.

"Okay so, this is something you all don't know but, my Papa told me all about the history of Warlocks. Warlocks were suppose to be evil...they were made by Witches who pursued bad or evil magic. Someone a long time ago captured a Warlock and made them good, turning them to the good side, ever since, if a Witch uses evil magic, and a Warlock is around there, they become weak. Hence why Micah, half Warlock, half Angel, became weak, and had a bad feeling when he crossed over my former pack." I explained they were all looking at Micah and I with their mouths hitting the floor.

"So...that concludes why you, Asher, didn't get the same feeling as us but something similar to it, it's because you're not half Warlock." Micah summed up.

"Ohh..I get it now, but the history of Warlocks is kind wacked up though. I have one question, why did Witches make Warlocks though..?"

"Ahem..well son, you see, I know this story your telling them Kai.." I was startled by the owner of the voice, Chris. Wait- he knew about the history of Warlocks?

"Omg dad- you startled me! Next time, please make your presence known!" Aspen whisper yelled to Chris.

He just chuckled, "Alright how about I tell you guys more about this story mh?" We all looked at each other and nodded. The man was very wise, and he knew a lot of things, on some days he even reminded me if my Dad.

"It is true, Witches made Warlocks, but not for a good reason. Well the evil one's of course, but there was one Witch, she was the leader of their group. She was the one who controlled everything, she made Warlocks just for one sole purpose. To kill Werewolfs, Angel's, and Vampires." He said, everyone was shooked including me.

"But, one of those Warkocks escaped, he was one of the good ones. He had a plan, for such a young age, like you Kai, Aspen, and Micah, he was young. He created a plan to take all those Warlocks and turn them good, and so that's what he did. Little did he know, he was always being watched by the Gods and Goddesses of all Kingdoms. Micah I know you can take it from here. Tell Kai why your assigned to him." Chris said, wait what? There's something I'm missing..?

Micah turned to me, "That boy who turned Warlocks good was...was your Papa.." I sat there frozen. Wha..how?! My Papa?! He saved Warlocks. Everybody else was shocked just as I was.

"I- i- wha- i- m- my Papa..?" I was speechless, why didn't they tell me this? Oh I know why, they didn't even have time..

"I know it's all new to you, but your Papa literally saved the whole entire Warlock population..." Micah said.

"Wow...i- i- dont know what to say...w- why didn't Papa tell me though.." I asked.

"Alright alright, I've said enough, when you are ready, I will tell you..but right now isn't the right time, just know that your Papa, saved the Warlocks population..I may take my leave now kids." He smiled then left.


I finally found my answer, Kai is...is their child, but he must not know just yet. This capturing of Micah is still confusing. Everything is lead to one thing though....the Crystal Moon Pack.

I will fulfill their wish, and tell Kai when it's the right time, by then he'll be ready and accept his fate. Lastly, we must find out what the Crystal Moon pack has to do with all this.

We will get our answer soon. Soon...


It was late, many of hours after our talk about the whole Micah being captured situation. Ash and everyone else is sleeping, but I still can't forget what Chris said. Not about my Papa, I mean my Papa did seem like a special person, but...it was about the Witch.

The ring I picked up reeked of Witch and Werewolf. And today we found out that all this has something to do with my former pack. So...what if the Witch is in my former pack..and she's the one causing all this?

I really don't know, but I know with the help of Chris and all my family/friends...we'll get to the bottom of this.


Hey lovelies! I am SO SO SO SORRY! I havent updated in such a long time, well maybe like 2 or 3 weeks..but that's a long time!

Also, 800 reads! THANK U SO MUCH! I love you all! Hope u enjoyed this chap!

Vote plz, and comment, I love to hear feedback from you all.

See ya!

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