04- Are you alright?

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I still can't process that this wolf I'm on was my mate and he was taking me to his pack house. Before I got on his wolf, he asked me what my name was, so he'd at least know my name. I was still scared of him, though I did get the feeling that he wasn't going to hurt me. He was going so fast, almost like I was giving him energy or something. He soon slowed down though, he was walking now. There was a bunch of trees scattered everywhere more than usual, then we came upon this huge house, that looked like a modern cabin.

It was ginormous. It had a big open area for people to sit and hang around. There were chairs that were aesthetically appealing. A giant fire pit and woks all around. It had a wood exterior with black accents that made it look so expensive. There was a balcony and the whole thing could've been mistaken for a mansion. I gaped in awe, this was so much better than my old pack house. Asher walked on a gravel path to towards the house.

"Welcome to my pack house!" he said turning and looking up at me. I just nodded, still in awe.

I  got off of him and he shifted, for some reason his clothes are also intact when he shifts, I thought I was the only werewolf that can do that, but I didn't question any further though.

"My dear, my pack isn't going to hurt you okay?" I could tell he was reassuring me, and I was slowly starting to trust his words of reassurance. I couldn't help the red hue that found itself on my face from the nickname.

"okay.. thank you.."


I mind linked everyone in my pack that I've brought someone, I told them that they need to not freak out, cause the person is already scared and injured. I knew my dad was going to question me with everybody else but I told them not to, and to just act normal when we go in.

I could tell my mate was scared because his energy was engulfing me. It surrounded him like how fog covers the grass early in the morning. My ability to see these things aren't very common though. This is something only my parents know as well as some pack members, and soon my mate.

I went up to him, standing in front of him, he lowered his head, but I lifted his chin up and looked into his eyes. They had a whole story in them, a story of pain with no happiness, but I wanted to change that starting from tonight.

"I'm right here." I said. Then he just nodded, and I felt his energy cool down signaling that he is calm now, which was good. I held his hand and we started to walk to the doors of my pack house.


We started walking to the pack house, memories came rushing back to me, I didn't want what happened at my old pack house to happen to me again. Could I really trust Asher and his pack? I felt that I could, but everything was becoming overwhelming. Before I knew it, I started seeing black spots, my vision soon went black, making me drift into the darkness.


We started getting closer to my pack house when my mate's energy started going down hill, his energy was screaming of panic and fright. I started calling his name, but he didn't answer. I couldn't heal him again, I used too much of my powers on him. His energy soon started to get more weak, and before I knew it, he was falling down.

Luckily I was right there, and caught him before he would hit the ground. I tried listening for his energy but nothing came up. My dad must've smelled my energy because he came rushing out.

"Son! Son, are you okay?! Your energy is-"

"Dad, I'm okay, I'm just freaking out and really worried."

Before he could say anything, he looked down in my lap, seeing my mate, "I- is....? THAT'S YOUR MATE! YOU FOUND YOUR MATE!" my dad screamed of excitement.

I chuckled, "Yes Father, he's my mate, but my mate needs the pack doctor, I can't heal him, I've already healed him once, my powers are drained.."

"Oh son, I'm so sorry, okay I'll go get the pack doctor"

After a few minutes my dad came with the pack doctor, "Asher, I'm here what's wrong dear!" Celeste, our pack doctor came running out, she also knew about my powers. "My mate, I felt his energy going down dramatically, and then he ended up like this, see if he's okay please.." Soon I smelt two familiar scents, Silas and Benji are coming.

"But Alpha, you can't heal him can you? Your powers are drained, do you perhaps know if he gives you energy?" She asked.

"Yes, I think he does. When we were running to felt his surge, but it was weak. All I know is that when I saved him, it was from a rogue attack, he was really damaged, so maybe."

She checked his breathing and analyzed his finger tips and forehead.

"Okay, he's fully out, there's no medication I can give him to make him wake up and return his full energy because he's too far gone. There's only two options: wait about one month for him to wake up or ....." She paused, looking conflicted.

"What is it?"

"Well I researched your family history like you ask me too, I'll need to take some of your blood and mix it with Vervain. This way hopefully he'll wake up and return his energy. However it might have impact on him."

"Let's do it, how much blood?"

"That part I don't know, I just know since your blood has your powers it can return his energy and help him awake, especially with the vervain." Vervain was a very sacred and special plant to our kind. It was specifically very beneficial towards hybrids and could help increase energy. Only few could find it though.

"Okay..just do what needs to be done then."

[10 minutes later]

We had gotten Kai into the pack house, I changed his clothes because I didn't want him to be in bloody clothes all night, and got him into his room. I always had a spare room for my mate, I made it gender neutral too.

Celeste was coming back from her office with my father and the medicine she made, I hope this works. Silas and Benji soon came around the corner into the room.

"Hey Ash- I mean Alpha... Was this the rogue you met the other day? Silas asked. He was with me the day I met my mate but neither of us knew.

"Yes, this was the rogue. For a proper introduction, Silas, Benji, meet my mate," both of their eyes widened, jaws dropped, they looked at each other then back at me. "Oh, welp that explains why he's here, is he sleepin?" Benji, my other bestfriend said.

"Alpha" Celeste came in.

"Yes?" My anxiety spiked, the medication either failed or worked.

"It worked, but there are major side effects I need to warn you about." I just knew something was gonna be wrong.

"Is it serious...? What is it?!" She told me it could affect him but I don't think I want to know how much..

"Well..the side effects are leading towards a lot of pain. It can start at anywhere on his body, at anytime for the upcoming 24 hours after I give him the medicine. He's gonna wake up but from pain, and you can try to help him but not by your powers though.." I was shocked, but I hope I was making the right decision.

"okay let's do it."

With that she came over, and injected the medicine into him, I just hoped that he woke up even if it's from the pain....


What kind of pain do u think Kais gonna go through, mental? physical?

Anyways byeee loves!

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