κεφάλαιο βιβλίου • 1

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My amber eyes gave me what people called a defined quality. With tan skin, a few freckles, and long brow hair, I was pretty average looking. But my eyes were what shone in a crowd. What people looked for. What people craved. Something unique and rare that they couldn't find anywhere else.

But to me, they were pretty normal. I couldn't see my own eyes unless I peered into a mirror every second of the day, so my eyes served a simple function- seeing. And that's exactly what they did, my eyes staring dully at the ground as I occupied myself with kicking the same white rock with my converse till it eventually hit wrong and fell off my path. I was half tempted to go after it, but then it would be obvious what I had been doing and look less cool.

Not that I cared about looking cool. My entire life I had trained myself to stay hidden. Out of sight, out of mind. There wasn't a particular reason I wanted to do this- not really- but there was something. This... feeling I had. You know that feeling you get when you're watching a horror movie and the main character walks out of their hiding spot IMMEDIATELY after the murderer becomes quiet?

Yeah, that's the feeling.

Like some lurking danger was just waiting to pounce if I revealed myself too early. Of course it was just a feeling, but my grandmother had always told me to trust my feelings.

Grandmother was a unique woman. She wasn't particularly crazy or anything, just... unique. That was the only way to explain the woman. My grandmother- or my yia-yia as she preferred me to call her- was an old Greek woman. She was kind and caring, but that wasn't to say she wasn't stubborn and demanding. After my parents died in an oversea house fire when I was four, my yia-yia had taken me in. The first thing she had done when I arrived was "cleanse" me from any evil spirits that had clung to my soul. And then she had told me the rules.

Rule number one- Never walk in the woods alone

Rule number two- Never lie to the people of LaPush

Rule number three- no drugs, alcohol, failing, or skipping school

Rule number four- Never tell people about me or my family

And finally- rule number five- under no circumstance find yourself acquainted with the cold ones

Yia-Yia Never explained what the last rule meant or what the reasonings for the other rules were (rule three was self-explanatory) and anytime I questioned her I got lectured and sent to Billy Black to stay a few days. So eventually I just stopped asking. They were easy enough to follow so it didn't pose a problem to my life.

Sometimes I wished I'd asked her though- there was a lot I could have learned from her if I had pushed enough- but that's a story for another time. In fact, I think I'm getting a bit carried away with where I'm going with this. Back to the present. We can discuss my life story some other time.

At the familiar sound of teenage chatter, I felt a certain dread grow in my chest. School wasn't bad. Don't get me wrong; Learning was AMAZING depending on the subject.

But Highschool teenagers?

That's where the fun stopped. If I could go to school on my own time alone, I'd happily skip to school each day. But sadly, the world didn't revolve around me. Which made me panic sometimes. I was just a normal person in a boring world eventually doomed to be swallowed by the very thing that gave us life. The good old super hot and bright sun. In Forks Washington, however, that fate seemed laughable. The sun was hardly present, just a lurking bulb hidden behind constant clouds of rain or snow.

"Have you seen them?"

"They're so cute."

"I put my number in Emmetts bag like- a million times and he hasn't texted me. I'm gonna try again."

Apparently the world did revolve around some people though. The cullens family- Forks Washington's good old chatter subject. I never cared much for the family. Remember that feeling I had mentioned? The one about idiotic main characters super close to death?

The cullens were the background music that told you the main character had fucked up.

Pardon my french.

Sure they were drop dead Gorgeous- I would be a moron to deny that- but something inside me whispered that if I got too close, I'd probably drop dead.

Ignoring the chatter of people around me, I pulled my bag close, wishing I was sitting down so I could hug it. Yia-Yia was against material objects, but my backpack was something she found endearing. I had made it a while ago from one of my old stuffed animals and the sight of the teddy bear hanging on my back with a backpack on it was adorable. It helped me hide, surprisingly.

If the cullens were the background music and everyone around me main characters, I was that extra background character you saw in the first fifteen minutes of the movie and never thought of again. Despite being a senior surrounded by the smartest and most popular kids in my class, I might as well have been an outcasted freshman.

No offence to the fishies of course, but you get what I'm saying.

Standing at 5'4 (average height if you ask me) with two Dutch braids, a baby blue hoodie, and a literal teddy bear backpack, I might as well have been a freshman. I certainly looked the part. Which again- was something I worked hard to achieve.

An audible sigh escaped my lips as I crossed the student parking lot, my breath twisting in elegant swirls around my lips. Despite the cold being... well- cold, I actually liked winter. It gave me a reason to wear long sleeves and not seem like a freak.

And no, I wasn't suicidal.

Just had some preferences and personal reasons.

"I don't see how the stupid new girl gets to vacation with them. She's not even pretty. If anything, she's weird. Like that freak."

I didn't need to look over to know they were talking about me. Despite my own resolve to not care, I couldn't help the small pang of hurt that hit my heart. Why did not making friends have to make you a freak? When I was younger, kids thought I was cool. My looks, my style, my "wisdom", and even my name- Altheia. But as we all got older, being myself just seemed to freak them out. I tried not to let it get to me too much.

Just as I approached the school doors, my body grew warm, all my negative feelings seeping away to let a wave of calm relaxation melt over me. Instinctively I turned to see Jasper Cullen staring at me, our gazes connecting- Amber against Gold. This was a daily occurrence. Walk to school, hate my life, feel calm, see Jasper staring at me. Every day this happened except on the rare occasion his family went camping.

I knew there was more to it- Jasper and I had never actually talked so it wasn't as if I saw my friend and relaxed. I debated talking to Yia-Yia about it once but eventually decided against it, keeping it to myself. It wasn't as if I was scared she wouldn't believe me. I was scared she would.

Without smiling, I looked away and entered the stupid school.

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