κεφάλαιο βιβλίου • 4

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"I'm home." I called out, walking into the cabin. It was like stepping into a sauna as heat hit my face, but I was used to it. Closing the door behind me, I undid my converse before leaving them by the door. "εγγονή, come here little one." Turning around, I came face to face with Yia-Yia. Without missing a beat, her hands cupped my cheeks, her wrinkled skin gently grasping my smooth skin. Pulling me down slightly, she peered into my eyes like she did every day. Hers searched mine, her bluing orbs frantic as if they'd find something new.

However when they failed to find what they were searching for, the slightly shorter woman nodded in relief. "Come, come. Dinner is almost done." Walking after her into the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile at the familiar smell and sight. Chicken soup Avgolemono, Horta Vrasta, and what I assumed was Baklava in the oven. "It looks good Yia-Yia. Let me go put my stuff in my room and I'll come back down."

A dismissive wave is all I needed to go up to my room. Despite being my own space, the room wasn't saved from Yia-Yias personal touches. The soft brown walls were decorated with beautiful red and orange tapestries, each one hiding runes painted on the walls. Plants hung from the ceiling, livening up the room with protective herbs and such that Yia-Yia had insisted I needed. The furniture itself was simple to balance out the decorations, but that wasn't what brought me joy.

"Gaia, Leonidas, come here!" I spoke cheerfully, bending down as the two dogs jumped off my bed, dashing over. I was instantly knocked over by Gaia, the large black Rottweiler I had rescued from the pound. She was what people called an "ugly dog". She had been beaten for her breed, scars permanently hindering her fur in multiple places. Half her ear was torn off, her nose split in half. But that didn't stop me from loving her.

Leonidas on the other hand is what you would call "AWWWWW". The welsh corgi was perfect in every way. He had belonged to my mother, and per her wishes had stayed with me. Despite being the cute one, he was the dog most likely to snap at an intruder. Gaia would prefer to sniff at them and then attack if she deemed them a threat.

"Aish, okay okay, get off." Pushing the two dogs away, I slowly stood, brushing fur off of my hoodie. "I have to wear this tomorrow you know." I scolded, but they didn't seem to care, walking around me for a moment like predatory sharks before they jumped back on my bed to settle down.

"ALTHEIA!!" At the call, I couldn't help but sigh. "Coming, Yia-yia!!!" I shouted out the door before slipping off my hoodie. It was too hot for it in the house and Yia-Yia didn't like it when I wore it anyways. But I had my reasons.

Along my upper arm and shoulder sat a beautiful geometric tattoo. Yia-Yia had given it to me when I was sixteen for a reason she still refused to tell me, claiming it would "help me stay away from danger". As cool as it was, it made it impossible to not wear something to cover up. Thus my hoodie. Tattoos weren't allowed in school for obvious reasons, so it was always a struggle keeping it hidden.

Tossing the hoodie onto Gaia who huffed in annoyance, I left the room to trudge back to the kitchen. "Help me." Nodding, i picked up the trays of food, carrying them to the table. Soup, vegetables, and dessert. Everything you'd want after a really weird day.

Sitting down, Yia-yia closed her eyes to mutter a prayer she spoke every day and yet I had never heard, and I couldn't help but drift off into thought. Today truly was a weird day. I mean- everything was technically normal. Except for two things. Alice inviting me to lunch and Alice driving me home. Which in my opinion was two too many weird things.

"Eat." At the command, I began to scoop soup into my bowl and the vegetables on my plate, leaving the crisp pastry for last. Yia-Yia would have a fit if I touched it before eating my food. As we began to eat, the two of us fell into an easy silence, but I felt Yia-Yias gaze on me ever few seconds. "How was your day?" She asked finally, taking a sip of her water.

My first instinct was to answer "good" like the world suddenly required, but Yia-Yia didn't like artificial responses. "It was alright. The teachers are giving out a lot of homework before the break so I know they're going to quiz us once we come back. Eric stopped by at lunch to say hi before Jessica pulled him away." Yia-Yia waited for more, but I said nothing else. "That Girl... she likes him?" I couldn't help but snort.

"No. She's interested in Mike Newton. She's just super clingy of her friends." Yia-Yia nodded at my explanation. "The girl is cowardly. No self love." I couldn't help but smile as I went back to eating. The food was delicious as always, even the vegetables. I didn't understand people's hatred of greens. If prepared correctly, they could be delicious. Though the highlight of my food was finally getting to eat the Baklava. I scarfed it down as quickly as I knew Yia-Yia would allow me to, the woman raising a brow but saying nothing.

"Thanks for dinner, Yia-yia." Standing up, I went across the table to kiss her forehead before she raised a hand to swat me away. "I may be old but don't kiss me like so! Off with you!" She scolded in embarrassment, causing me to laugh. "Yes, Yia-Yia." Taking my dishes, i returned them to the sink before going back up to my room.


I didn't get to sit with Alice at lunch the next day. Not that I wanted to anyhow. But when I woke up, sweat was drenching my brows and Yia-Yia was hovering over me with a wet rag, trying to soothe me back to sleep.

For three days I drifted in and out of consciousness, only waking up to eat and use the restroom before I passed back out in my bed. Everything hurt, my body trembling with cold sweats that felt like I was on fire in Antarctica. But that wasn't even what bothered me.

What bothered me was the constant, painful feeling that something was happening. Something terrible. Yia-Yias prayers and mumblings over me didn't seem to help at first, her worried expression fading in and out of my mind.

But eventually whatever was wrong passed and by the fourth day I was well enough to stay awake. I passed it off as a cold, but Yia-Yia kept mumbling about spirits and visions. She knew something I didn't, the old woman keeping me on bed rest. She avoided me like the plague, and when she came up to give me meals or check on me she studied me like i was some sort of alien.

The eye checks were constant which weirded me out. As if she'd glance and suddenly my eyes would be black or something. Yia-yia gave no explanation for her checkups, but I didn't ask. I just pet Gaia and Leonidas, staring out the window. The snow was falling steadily now, Christmas break in session. I had missed the past few days of school and I didn't know how I felt about that. I knew I should be pleased that I had gotten out of the workload, but for some reason something inside me worried I'd never return. It was an odd feeling, one I ignored the best I could.

Of course the more you ignore something, the more persistent it becomes.

The Calling (Aro x Marcus x Caius) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon