κεφάλαιο βιβλίου • 7

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"Miss Drakos?" Spinning around, I stared at the door with wide eyes. He was already back. Without answering, I sat on the windowsill, trying to safely find a way down. A second story fall wasn't really an issue, but landing wrong could potentially end my life. Fall or not, this was risky.

But any caution I had was thrown to the wind as the doorknob began shifting, Dr.Cullens voice calling my name worriedly. Quickly slipping out, I tried to settle my foot on one of the lower windowsills. The cold stung against my bare feet, but I didn't have much of a choice but to ignore it.

I suddenly remembered when I was ten and my old friend Ashley had taken me boulder climbing. I had kept tumbling down, my whole weight ratio uneven. But the memory came too late to offer me any assistance. The snow underfoot melted and with the slightest shift I felt my hands slip off of the window sill, feet meeting air. A shocked gasp escaped my chest as I hurtled towards the ground, my short, wasted life flashing before my eyes.


Sure, it was dramatic, but put yourself in my shoes... well, sweatpants. After the day I had, I didn't expect to live after this fall. My whole life had been dedicated to me hiding from crowds, waiting for something I had no idea of, and now I was going to die at the hands of the creepy Cullens window sill.

Sucks to be me, I guess.

But death apparently hadn't stopped his carriage for me that day. I still don't know if I should have been upset or thankful.

Instead of the hard, cold ground, I landed in a pair of hard, cold arms. Ironic, right? Yelping at the impact, I took a moment to slowly breath, my gaze slowly raising.

My entire life I had thought my favourite colour was green. It was pretty. Alive. But looking up, I realised that my favourite colour was undeniably Red.

"Oh." Blinking stupidly, I stared up at this strange, beautiful man and his strange, beautiful pomegranate eyes, not realising the look he held in them as he gazed back at me. If I had noticed it, I probably would have blushed. Of course I was too busy being completely distracted by his ethereal beauty to even notice.

"Va tutto bene, passerotto." (It's okay, little sparrow) He spoke, his voice oddly melodic. It was soft and comforting, and despite having just fallen out of a window, I found myself completely relaxed at whatever he had just said. Hell, he could have just said I was an idiotic pig and I would have paid to hear him say it again.

Of course, all good things come to an end.

The sound of an argument broke me out of my distracted daze, and I tried to sit up in sexys arms to peer around him. He seemed compliant, turning around so I could see a fabulous blonde haired man yelling at Carlisle while another fabulous black haired man stood uncertainly. What was with all the fabulous hair?

I knew I should have been panicking: I mean- it was only logical. But bridal style in a sexy mans arms, I couldn't help but feel like if I was gonna die, this was the way to go out. Even my gut was telling me this was okay. But then again, I had just fallen out of a window so I wouldn't exactly trust my gut at this moment.

"I'm hungry." The words slipped out of my lips without me even realising, the dark haired man glancing away from the two arguing men and over to me with a small smile. Without another word, sexy carried me around the house and inside where my body relaxed at the offered warmth. Dr.Cullens wife- Esme I think- was waiting worriedly with a bowl of hot ramen. Despite thinking all of the cullens absolute creepers (except maybe Rosalie and emmet) Esme felt alright. Like she wouldn't hurt me or abandon me. "I made you noodles, Altheia."

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