κεφάλαιο βιβλίου • 6

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C.S Lewis once said "you can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending". They were words of wisdom, but I couldn't help but want to shove the words down the mans throat.

It was all my fault, honestly. I broke the rules to begin with. But how was I supposed to know what would happen? How was I supposed to know that everything was going to get much much worse?

I couldn't.

I knew immediately upon waking up that I wasn't alone. The room was empty, a sort of home-made medical room, but I knew. There were people there. My head pounded as if I had smashed it into a wall, my sight blurred for a moment until it eventually cleared.

Despite the freezing room and lack of my sweater, I felt incredibly hot. I wondered if my fever had returned. My horror movie feeling certainly had. But it wasn't like coming out of hiding anymore. It was that moment when the main character knew the only way to survive was to kill the murderer and you couldn't help but wonder how it would end.

That cruel, terrifying feeling of the unknown.

The door creaked open and my gaze instantly turned to it as Doctor Cullen entered the room. "I see you're awake." He smiled, but I didn't return it. There was something in his oddly golden eyes that told me he knew a lot more than anything he was about to tell me. "You're Lucky I found you. You were unconscious in the woods with a bit of head trauma. You could have froze out there."

A scoff escaped my lips before I could stop it. "Out of all the lies you could have chosen, you pick that one?" Carlisle blinked in surprise, but to his credit he recovered quickly. "I assure you, I'm not lying." Again- to his credit he stuck with his story. I'm sure anyone else would have fallen for it, but I wasn't stupid. I knew I should have been freaking out- at least inside- but everything felt wrong.

My mind was murky, my emotions dulled. It was probably the awkward timed and terribly created nap I had taken. Grogginess was a bitch. "Where are they?" Carlisle met my gaze- held it- but he simply tilted his head slightly. "Who?"

I didn't answer, tossing the blanket off of my legs. I was wearing grey sweatpants, but I didn't care to ask who had changed me. "I wouldn't get up yet. You suffered from the cold and you might have a Concussion." Carlisle reached out to grab my arm, but my side glare stopped him half way. Hesitantly he withdrew as I slid my legs off the bed, standing up.

The world swayed slightly under me, but I held onto the bed and eventually everything steadied. "Thanks for your apparent rescue and all, but I need to return home before my grandmother decides to take up taxidermy instead of caring for me." It was an odd thing to say, but I wasn't exactly thinking properly for a good excuse. "It would be wise to stay here. I can call your grandmother and tell her to come get you, but you've already been unconscious for three days-"

My head whipped around, my eyes clearly telling him he had screwed up. "T-three days?" My voice was hardly audible, but he nodded. Yia-Yia was going to kill me. She was going to beat me for disobeying, beat me for losing the dogs, and then kill me for worrying her. I'd deserve it of course, but that didn't mean I wasn't panicking inside.

"Like I said- you suffered head trauma. It's only understandable that..." Dr.Cullens words muffled in my ears as I slowly sat back down on the bed, staring down at my hands. I hadn't noticed before, but there were small scratches on them. It was probably from the times I had fallen. Snow could cushion you but it couldn't protect you.

"..okay?" A worried voice broke me out of my thoughts as I shakily reached a hand up, touching my nose. A small droplet of blood rested on my fingertip and instantly I became alert. It was like the tide of drowsiness I had been feeling had retreated, I small whimper slipping from my lips as my mind began roaring at me to run.

Something was dreadfully wrong here and I didn't want to be around to find out what it was.

"I'm going home. You have no right to keep me here. You're not my doctor and without my grandmothers knowledge of my being here, this is kidnapping." I spoke flatly, standing up to walk around Dr.Cullen. "Miss Drakos-" opening the bedroom door, I stormed out, not paying him any attention to his protests.

My heart was hammering in my chest as I found myself walking down the stairs, but I never got past them. Rosalie stopped at the bottom, staring tensely at me. "Stop. Go back to bed." I found myself glaring at the girl. "Holding me against my will now? I don't want to be here. Move." But she didn't, staying still. "Please, Miss Drakos. It's best if you stay here. I can call your grandmother to come get you." Staring at Rosalie, I thought about Dr.Cullens words.

I was no fool. I knew they wouldn't call her. She didn't even have a phone. But I also knew that what I was doing wasn't working. "Fine." Turning briskly, I walked up the stairs, shoving past Dr.Cullen who seemed relieved. "Let me go get you some food and the phone, alright?" I suddenly realised I was starving, but I wasn't about to sit around and eat anything these people gave me.

That's how people died in a horror movie.

Walking into the room I had woken up in, I briskly slammed the door behind me. I needed a plan and I needed one fast. Time was ticking, I could feel it.

Glancing around the room, I searched for a weapon I could use against the creepy Cullens when my eyes landed on the window.


Glancing at the door, I twisted the lock before going over. It wasn't hard to open it, a blast of cold air hitting my skin. It was freezing in my tank top, but I knew that if I hurried I could stand it. The only worry I had was my bare feet against the snow, but there was no time to look for shoes.

"Miss Drakos?" Spinning around, I stared at the door with wide eyes. He was already back. Without answering, I sat on the windowsill, trying to safely find a way down. A second story fall wasn't really an issue, but landing wrong could potentially end my life. Fall or not, this was risky.

But any caution I had was thrown to the wind as the doorknob began shifting, Dr.Cullens voice calling my name worriedly. Quickly slipping out, I tried to settle my foot on one of the lower windowsills. The cold stung, but I didn't have much of a choice but to ignore it.

I suddenly remembered when I was ten and my old friend Ashley had taken me boulder climbing. I had kept tumbling down, my whole weight ratio uneven. But the memory came too late. The snow underfoot melted and with the slightest shift I felt my hands slip off of the window sill, feet meeting air. A shocked gasp escaped my chest as I hurtled towards the ground, life flashing before my eyes.

// Haha, Cliff hanger

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