Chapter Thirty Two|Step One

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George's foot bounced as he chewed nervously on his lip from the back of the moving van, which was parked not far away from a barbed wire chain link fence. The glow of the laptop shone on his anxiety-filled face, and he tried not to think about how hot it was in there.

Vincent had to help them find out where they needed to go, and where Dream would be. Apparently, their best bet was stealth, and Vincent had come up with a valid reason for them being there; a case had come up nearby their agency, and they could use their camera footage to help scour the area. It would work, without a doubt.

The plan was for Vincent and Darryl to go in together and get to the cameras so they could input a flash drive that had an application that would give them manual access to the PC. This would most likely give them the opportunity to figure out the guard schedules, and the ability to loop footage. If they were lucky, it would give them enough to know if Dream was there, and if he wasn't, where he would be.

It had been half an hour since they had gone inside the building, and George was lying in wake.

And then he got it, the notification that meant he had gained access.

George could have screamed in relief. He waited for a solid ten minutes before he blackened the computer screen, making it appear like it had turned off from the other side. Then he plugged a flash drive into his computer, downloading a whole eight hours of security footage surrounding the time Dream had been taken.

He didn't have time to look at it yet; He needed to check for any files. He found the guard schedule, and then he realized there was an app that had been opened. He didn't need to input any password since someone had already logged in. He focused intently as he searched through the most recent file uploads until he found it. It was a file called 'Mutation #013'. He found the folder it had been added too, sending all thirteen files in that folder to his flash drive.

He sent a message to Darryl, telling him that he had gotten what he needed and that he needed to get the flash drive back and get out. He sent it in a sort of pig Latin that would make it near impossible to read unless you knew their specific rendition of it.

He kept the screen black, going back to the live security footage so that it wouldn't seem tampered with whenever they removed the flash drive.

Then he noticed something moving in the bottom right corner of his screen.

He hesitated before he dragged his cursor to it, clicking and opening up security footage from 'Camera #28'.

It was Dream. He was in a brightly lit place, and his bindings were made of metal. He was thrashing around as they tried to pull blood from him, his jaws snapping as close to them as possible before someone snuck behind him, stuffing a gag in his mouth.

George clicked off of it. He knew he had to hurry to get one last thing on his flash drive.

He went as quickly as possible, scouring files and searching for what he needed- there. He clicked download.

A map of the place, including every underground level that couldn't be seen from the surface.

"C'mon, c'mon.." He muttered as he watched it starting to get downloaded to his computer. He barely had enough time to get to the general security camera screen before his access was cut, and he breathed a sigh of pained relief.

They had everything they needed now.

The layout, the guard schedule, security footage, Dream's file. That was all they needed to get in without being detected.

Now, they just needed to have the guts to stick with the plan.

They have enough security footage to make a fake uniform, and Darryl was supposed to snag an ID for them to keep and make copies of. Darryl had a lot of hidden talents he didn't talk about much, his pickpocketing skills being one of them.

They would be able to get in without any recognition.

The next thing in their plan had been for the people in the lab. Vincent had somehow gotten his hands on chloroform. Hopefully, two bottles would be enough to put anyone who could be a problem to sleep for a while.

With all those sleeping people, there would be plenty enough for Dream to feed on until he could go into his human form again.

They'd have an extra uniform for him.

Then they'd just be able to leave.

And he would finally be able to be with Dream again.


More fanart!! The person who drew this goes by MeowMeow_785 on Warriors Amino and YouTube. They also go by merakiqq on Tumblr and Twitter.

I love the color of his green, very good very nice. Their art style is also very adorable!

Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that I have a discord server! It's called Fort BitchFace specifically because of this meme.

As of right now, the server is very small, mostly just my friends. If it gets big enough, I'll start editing it and making it even better than it is.

Anyways, I hope you like it!

Hehe, that looks kinda like BONK at the end.

Anyways, peace!

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