Chapter Thirty Six|End

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As soon as everything was settled, George, Zak, and Nick slipped into the lab. Everything was going as planned so far; George had to use all his willpower to ignore the fact that Dream was just across the room, his head hung low.

Three at a time they got the hardworking scientists, the ones at the microscopes going out first and slowly getting to the ones at the computers doing paperwork.

"Hey, Jeremey, did we get those test results back yet?" One of the men asked as he looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening as he saw George. Panicking, George's fist snapped out, punching him square in the nose. There was a crunch and a thud as the man passed out.

George was standing there, arms held close to his body as Zak and Sapnap looked at him, shock painting their expressions.

"I panicked," George explained, looking between the two of them for a moment before he shook himself loose, going over to Dream's limp, hanging body.

He looked lifeless. The only clothes he had on were medical pants, meaning his chest and stomach were on display.

There was a long scar all across his body, small wounds still there, presumably from stitches that got pulled out. The scar looked very, very fresh; it was still an angry lime green on his white demon skin.

It started from each of his shoulders, meeting in a wide V just under his collar bones and above his pecks. From there it went all the way down his body, a straight line in the center of his chest all the way down to where there was some hair growing from the low hanging edge of the scrubs.

George ran his fingers against the Y shaped autopsy scar, tears coming to his eyes that he refused to acknowledge. Once Zak saw it, he retched, running to a trash can to throw up his lunch. Sapnap just winced, shuffling his feet in discomfort.

Dream was asleep, and yet he was breathing. That was a first out of any time George had seen him sleep. He was glad for it, too; It reassured him that the boy he cared so much about was alive, even through... George wanted to vomit, but he just swallowed and looked around until he found an upgraded first aid kit, adrenaline shot included.

George got low, self-hatred running through his veins as he put yet another needle in Dream. He vowed that he would never force Dream to do anything with needles.

A couple of seconds after the adrenaline shot was in Dream, the demon gasped awake, looking around with wide, animalistic eyes. As soon as he was conscious, his mouth started to water.

And then he looked down, and the animalistic fear in his eyes vanished.

"George?" Dream asked, and George finally let the tears spill as he laughed in relief, breathless.

"Yes, Dream, I'm here, I missed you so much." George cried, wrapping his arms around Dream, who couldn't do the same.

"The people..." Dream looked around at the limp people, seeming drained.

"Asleep. Please, feed on one of them so you can look human and we can get out of here." George practically begged. Dream smiled sadly, just for him. He was too hungry and tired to muster up anything that looked happy.

"Okay. Just give me a minute." He answered, and George. Choked a bit on his tears as Dream seemed to melt into a smoke flowing through the eyes, nose, and mouth of one of the scientists.

"That happens when we feed," Sapnap spoke quietly, and George let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"When he's up, we need to get out," George spoke with finality.

In the end, the place burned beautifully. A place full of suffering and pain burned brightly and hot enough to singe the eyelashes of any onlookers who weren't far away enough. There were sirens in the distance and hungry demons on the loose as they were set free, but George and Dream were far away from it all.

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