Teaser|The Idea Of Anything

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Dream doesn't remember anything from last night.

All he remembers is briefly talking to a guy he hadn't spoken to since high school about a bar, but even then the memory felt obscured, like he was watching through a thick fog. The harder he tried to remember, the more his head hurt.

All he knows is he woke up feeling completely bodied; patchy facial hair covering his chin and the steady beeping of a heart monitor to his right annoying him persistently.

When he had finally pushed himself into a siting position, loud noises surrounded him. They felt foggy for a moment, his ears ringing as he looked around.

Then in a moment he was surrounded by familiar and relieved faces, making him smile. They'd never all been in the same room before like this.

"Hey Nick.. Darryl.." He looked around, seeing that Zak and Wilbur were there too, surprisingly. He was in a hospital room; something must've happened..

There was someone else there, an unfamiliar face. His smile was wide enough to show his gums, and while he was absolutely adorable, he felt an unexplained horrid emotion sprout in his stomach.

"Who... Who are you?"

Keep your eyes peeled for my next book, The Idea of Anything! It's going up tommorow, September 9th. Hope to see you there ;)

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