part 3 ~the lies~

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Later that night when Lawrence was home from work, he got a call . He said it was "work related" but Adam was sick of hearing that excuse. When he would ask him about why he had to go in he would say its personal for the patient . So once he left for "work" he gave Lawrence twenty minutes to get there . Once that twenty minutes were over he called and asked if Lawrence was there but the secretary said she hasn't saw him since his last shift, last night.

Adam knew he had cheated on Alison with Carla. But could he be cheating again ? Adam thought Lawrence would've learned his lesson  the first time but did he really? So Adam got in his car and drove around to look for Lawrence or his car. But he didn't find him or his car. Adams suspicions kept growing. Adam has many thoughts of what would've happened  to Lawrence .

He could've went to work late , got kidnapped , or is cheating . But he eliminated the work one very quickly because of what the secretary had said to him. If she hadn't seen him since the previous night where had he gone all day? He knew something else had been going on but he just needed to figure out what.

Adam decided to stop at their favorite coffee shop, Starbucks, and ask if they've saw him. When he got in their he couldn't help himself so he got a venti caramel frappe and a birthday cake pop. That was his usual order . He decided to get Lawrence his usual too just in case he happened to see him or he'd be home . He got Larry a venti Blonde Roast.When he got his order he asked if they had saw Lawrence but they said they hadn't seen him that night .

Adam was about to go home until he found a back road that looked familiar but he didn't now how and he knew he didn't check it yet. He decided to drive down the road and to his surprise he saw Lawrence's car parked next to a building . He knew it looked familiar but again , he didn't know how he knew about this building . So he decided to drive closer up to it until he realized . That building is where Larry and his games took place.....

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