17- Tired

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I woke up around 9:30am and decided that it was still way to early, I was blowing off school, no point anyway. I looked over and Spike was on his back still asleep. I wiggled into the centre of the bed and poked him a little trying to get his attention, I wanted him to spoon me back to sleep. He moved a bit until I tried pulling one of his arms around me. He grunted, I woke him up a little. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me, I smiled and snuggled under the covers and fell back to sleep.


'Huh!? Spike?!' I panicked and found Willow standing in front of me. I flipped out and hit Spike in the arm, he moaned and pulled the sheet over his head more.

'What are you doing here!?' I yelled

'Huh!?' Spike shot up 'oh hello Willow'

'Hi guys, it's um 1:30pm. Get up!' She clapped her hands and left the room.

Spike wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down next to him. He kissed my neck and I giggled.

'Good morning' he whispered in his sexy morning voice.

'Morning' I whispered back

'Didn't know we could sleep that long' he replied

'Nah I woke up before, but you could sleep forever' I laughed

'True' he agreed

I got up and got dressed, and waited for Spike to get ready.

'How did they even get in?' Spike asked

'Huh? Oh the gang, they all have spare keys' I replied

'That makes me feel safe?' He said with an unsure face.

'Come on you take forever' I moaned grabbing his hand and pulling him down the stairs.

Willow had made lunch for everyone and I was starving since we slept through breakfast. I gobbled down two peanut butter sandwiches and Spike guzzled down his pigs blood. Giles was in the lounge room going through books, Willow was cleaning up in the kitchen and Xander was at the Magic Box helping Anya. I made Spike help Willow with the dishes and I joined Giles in the lounge room. I sat down next to him on the lounge and started going through books.

'What are you looking for?' He asked not looking up from his own book

'I don't know I was just trying to look useful' I replied

'Here' he handed me his book and pointed to a spot, but nothing interesting came up.

'Oh by the way Spike and I found out the Apocalypse is only going to be male vampires' I informed Giles

'Why?' He replied

'Don't know, Spike said maybe because men are stronger' I replied

'No, wait, wait!' Giles yelled standing up

The rest of the gang joined us in the lounge.

'I've heard of something like this, but ah I can't remember, I'm going to run to the Magic Box, I'll be back soon!' He said grabbing his coat and jumping in his car.

'What was that about?' Willow asked

'Because I told him that it'll only be male vampires' I replied

'Oh that's odd'

Willow left after about 5 minutes she had to get to class and she couldn't wait any longer.

'Aren't you supposed to be in class?' Spike asked

'Nah, I'm not going to bother' I replied

'Don't you want a future?' He questioned

'What future? I'm the slayer. That's it'

'No it's not, you can be whatever you want to be'

'Look I slay vampires at night and other ungodly demons and I have to worry about you all day if I was out'

As soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted it.

'Wait. You think I'm ungodly and you have to worry about me?' He snapped

'No, no baby. I didn't mean it like that' I pleaded

'No you did. I would storm out but it's daylight so I'm storming upstairs. Don't follow!' He yelled running up the stairs.

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