Love Letters

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"I'm sorry about Draco, he's been pestering me a lot lately." Kacey looked to Cedric with an apologetic look. The two had just finished a tour on campus, and they were both at the Great Hall for lunch. "It's not your fault, he's always a twat." The shared a brief moment of laughter, walking to make their plates together.

"He's probably going to run and tell his father you pushed him." She was only teasing, but it was a possibility. "Don't talk too loud, he'll come through a tantrum if he hears us."

"Come sit with me, I'm sure no one will notice." Cedric stepped in front of her, stopping her from continuing to her table. "I-.. Well, I'm sure it won't hurt if I sit with you today." She was hesitant, no doubt Malfoy would notice. She would hear about it later. She'll never hear the end of it. Either way, she joined him at the Hufflepuff table. He had lots of friends, and a lot of fangirls. He paid no attention to them, he only looked at her. Only spoke to her.

"Have any friends yet? Besides me." He was polite, waiting after he finished chewing to speak. He had manners. "Uh, I have a few. Harry and Hermione, they're in the same year as me." Everyone knew them, she didn't have to tell him. Either way, he was interested in everything she said. "They're good kids, they always find themselves in some sort of trouble though." It was true, Potter was the problem. "I heard so."

The rest of the day was long, class was boring and Malfoy was back to tormenting the poor girl about her relationship with the Hufflepuff. It wasn't a normal day without him being total prick. After the last class of the day the girl dragged herself to her dorm, swiftly changing into her night gown. There was a letter on her bed, it had the yellow seal of a Hufflepuff. Did Cedric write her a letter? Instead of ripping the envelope she took the seal off as carefully as she could, slipping it into her book bag.

Dear Kacey,

Shall I forget the face of a bright sunshine?

Whose beauty is comparable to an angel so divine.

Shall I overlook your smiles that are so sweet?

Just a glimpse of you knocks me off my feet.

-Cedric Diggory

Her heart felt swollen as she read over the poem, reciting it over and over in her head. Did he really find her beauty so breath taking? They had only met a few days ago, but this feeling was overwhelming. Her first crush, was this it? A boy most of the girls already swooned over. But this letter. This poem. It gave her a sliver of hope. Neatly, she folded the letter and place it into her bag to keep near her at all times. When did he have the time to write this? Either way, it was a sweet gesture. He had a way with words.

She rested her head upon her pillow with a faint smile, drifting off into a deep sleep.

There was no Cedric in sight, she didn't see him sitting at the Hufflepuff table yet. Maybe he just woke up late, no biggie. Kacey took a seat at the Slytherin table, quietly reading over her letter until a hand was placed upon her shoulder. "What are you reading?" The smooth voice of her favorite. The words flowed out of his mouth like rich honey. "Oh! My, you frightened me." A nervously chuckle escaped her throat as she peered up at him, slightly waving the letter. "Your letter, that was very kind of you to write me.."

His expression dropped, his smile faded. He looked so, confused. "I didn't write you a letter." He shook his head, the girl quickly pulled the Hufflepuff wax seal from her bag. "But then, who did? They signed your name and everything.." Her mood had suddenly dropped. There went that sliver of hope.

"Boohoo, did you like the little love letter Smite?" Draco approached with his minions behind him, crossing his arms firmly over his chest. "You really think anyone would write a love letter to you? You believed the whole poem about your nonexistent beauty? What a shame, I thought you were smarter than that."

There were no words to describe what she was feeling in that moment. How could someone do such a thing? That was even love for Draco Malfoy. To toy with someone's feelings like that. She was a person too. She snapped out of her train of thought when Cedric placed his hand upon her shoulder in attempts to comfort her. "Malfoy, you're a prick to her for no absolute reason! This is her first week at Hogwarts!"

"You're a no good, filthy dipshit smelling liar!" She rose from her seat quickly, lifting her head to look at Draco. "No wonder your father gives zero shits about you! He can't put up with you. You're a little brat that needs attention constantly cause your father never gave you any!" She spit a bit as she shouted in his face, she could feel the eyes staring at the back of her head. However, she stayed focused on Malfoy. Her eyes pierced into his soul. She was not a force to be reckoned with.

He had nothing to say. He didn't know what to say. She had never shouted at him like this. Did she mean it? Was it all an act? What she all said.. it pained him to hear it. But he knew it was true. He never meant to upset her this bad. It was all just fun and games.

"I'm done with you Malfoy."

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