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"Draco, I can't watch!" The boy held the girl's shoulders tightly, shaking her gently. She had refused over and over. But, the Slytherin Prince was not giving up. He was just starting to like Cedric, but now Kacey's didn't even want to watch him.

"Think about it this way, you'll never have to watch him do another task ever again. This is the third, the final one. I always see him look into the crowd for you, he needs you there."

"Draco, if anything happens to him.. I couldn't bare watch it happen. Who knows what I'll do in the heat of the moment."

The young ones ran through the garden maze, giggling happily. "Draco, promise me you'll follow me through this maze of life. Until the end of time."

"Until the end of time."

"He will be fine, Kacey." His pale hands took a hold of hers, squeezing them tightly. "Now, go see him before he has to leave." He forced a smile upon his face before he ushered her away, sighing heavily as he fiddled with his ruby ring.

"Cedric." The girl approached her boyfriend in the courtyard, his friends waving before they wandered off. "Hey, how are you?" His words were sweet and smooth as he wrapped his arms around her waist, caressing her petite body. "Worried." Her face was showing concern, they both knew why. "My darling, it's the last task.. I've come so far already, I'm sure this won't be the thing to take me down." Hell, he had stolen an egg from a dragon. A maze wouldn't be the death of him. "I know, but I still worry. I always do."

"Promise me you'll come, I need you in the crowd. You're why I keep fighting, Kacey."

"I'm coming, don't you worry. I will always be by your side, no matter what."

"No matter what?"

"Till the end of time."

"The end of time."

"Get dressed Smite!" Corie shouted in the girl's ear, earning a smack up the head. "I am, just stalling." The girl wore a green, plaid skirt. Along with a white collared grey sweater, it was chilly but it was something she had been waiting to wear. Besides, Cedric had told her he had a surprise for her when he finished the final task. "Come on, Diggory is waiting for you. He's going to be rather disappointed if he doesn't see you in the crowd." The blonde girl tugged on her older friend's arm, dragging her out of the common room. "I just know I'm going to dread whatever happens."

The band played a tune as the crowd cheered for their beloved wizards and witch. The Slytherin witch had zoned out, squeezing onto the boy's hand as she looked at the maze. There was no way she would be able to monitor what was happening. "Look, he's looking for you." The blond headed girl gently jabbed her friend's side with her elbow, pointing at the Hufflepuff. He seemed to be panicking, he hadn't seen his darling.

"Cedric!" She shouted, rising from her seat and waving at him. The worry had suddenly been wiped clean of his face, a bright smile grew as he waved back.

"Potter, she came." The boy who lived looked to his love struck friend, chuckling softly as he patted his shoulder. "She always will. You mean the world to her, I can see it by the way she looks at you. Her eyes are usually so dull. But when she sees you, it's like a fire as bright as the sun lights up in her eyes. A Slytherin and her Hufflepuff."

By now, they all had ran into the maze. Cedric and Harry going first because of their tie in first place, it was their advantage. The Slytherin Trio were chatting away, keeping the Dark Princess distracted by any worries she had. Draco seemed worried though instead. He had an awful feeling about this, and he knew it would result in hell breaking lose. Snape had also joined the students, sitting behind Kacey while the two students each held her hands. "I'm glad you decided to show, Smite." The professor spoke.

"Of course, what type of girlfriend would I be if I didn't come to support my dear boyfriend?"

It had been too long. Where the hell was he? There was no sign of that Potter boy either. She was starting to worry, visibly shaking. "Draco, where is he?"

"I don't know Opal. Everything will be alright."

Suddenly, the crowd began to cheer. Potter had just arrived with Cedric. Kacey jumped from her seat, clapping as loud as possible. "That's my love! That's my love!" Cedric and Harry were both laying in the yellow grass, Harry hovering over him. Realization started to hit when Dumbledore hurried down to his students. As fast as possible she ran down, almost tripping when she dropped beside Cedric. He wasn't moving. Breathing. Harry was sobbing, muttering "He's back.".

There was a heart breaking scream as the girl threw her body onto the fallen boy's, sobbing as she shook him. "Cedric! Cedric! You promised me you would be fine! Get up!"

Harry had stepped back, shouting at Dumbledore. "He's back! He's back! Cedric told me to bring his body back, I couldn't leave him. Not there."

Snape was holding back Draco, he wasn't allowed to leave his seat.

"Cedric!" Her voice was being to grow tired and hoarse from her sobbing and screaming, her tears soaking his shirt as she held his head in her lap towards her chest as she rocked back and forth. Her breath was starting to quicken and the heart in her chest raced at an unhealthy pace. There was a quick flash of red light, and a scream of pain from the girl. Her ruby had cracked. Now, she lay on the ground with her dead love in her arms.

"Opal!" Shouted Draco, pushing past Snape to get to the girl. She had passed out. He could almost feel her pain, placing his hand over his chest. He knew something was going to go wrong. He never expected this. Carefully, he picked the girl up and held her bridal style. "Get her to the dorms, Draco take Snape and Corie with you." Dumbledore instructed, the other student and the professor joining the boy's side.

"The heart of a phoenix is fragile.."

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now