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Draco set the young girl on the couch of the Slytherin common room. After he had got her some medical attention, she had fallen asleep in his arms. There was still an odd pain in his chest, and he was utterly confused about the flash of red light he saw earlier.

The girl had not moved one bit. She was straddling his lap with her face buried into his neck. She was on his back when they had come back from the hospital wing. Though, she was awake at that time. Suddenly, her motivation for everything was gone.

"Everything will be okay Opal, I'm here.." Draco ran his hand up and down her back, sniffling softly. He had only let a tear fall. Something that would stay unspoken.

Corie came down from their dorm, approaching Draco quietly. "I'll take her." He was hesitant to let go of the girl. Watching as the lower class man took the girl into her arms and carried her to the dorm they shared.

The girl tossed and turned in her sleep, sweat streaming down her face as she began to mumble. "No, give him back.. Father.." suddenly, she was screaming. Kicking in her bed and sobbing. It woke her dear friend. The blonde girl shooting up out of her bed and rushing to her friend, shaking her awake. "Kacey! Kacey! Wake up!" The girl's eyes shot open, tears swelled in her eyes. "I-I'm so sorry.." she sobbed, falling into the  embrace Corie. The two falling asleep as they held each other.

It was like this for a few days. She'd be excused from class. Often seen in the halls with Snape. He was one of the few that comforted her.

It was a Monday, gloomy as usual. The young girl was sitting at her Slythern table, picking at some food she would not eat. There was a shift on the bench, people scooting down for a Prince.

"Good morning Opal.." He rested his head on the girl's shoulder, waiting for a response. "Draco." She mumbled, leaning her head against his. The boy wasn't one to appear soft, but his friend needed him. More than ever. "How have you been?"

"Terrible, why would you ask?"

"I just want to check up on you, you know how much I care about you.."

"I can't deal with this anymore. It has to stop."

"What has to stop?"

"My father."

She was rebelling. No more listening to daddy. No more playing his pawn in this complicated game of chess. She'd become a queen from the downfall of her kingdom. Soon, it would be checkmate for him.

"Opal, are you seriously going to join that Potter boy?"

"He took everything from me. My mother. My lover. He's not going to take anything else. I will win."

Just like her father, she was determined to have it her way. To win. To be the last one standing.

"It's over for him." The girl stood from her table, quietly walking away.

Silence before a storm.

All day, no one had heard a word from the girl. She refused to speak, simply ignoring every word that came her way.

At night, her plan was coming together.

Dear father,
                 I have decided to run off. My life is meaningless without my one and only, Cedric. I might leave for America. Or leave the face of this Earth. Do not come looking for me. Do not send anyone after me. For I am no longer your daughter. You have taken my mother. My soulmate. My childhood. My freedom. And my ability to feel emotions.


Soon enough, the letter was off. The girl sat, drowning in her thoughts. Her father wouldn't be pleased. But she didn't care. She was breaking free. She would no longer be his puppet, attached by string. She'd snap the fine line that connected them.

Her footsteps were quiet as she slipped from the common room, finding herself in the courtyard just a few minutes later. All the memories. All the memories she couldn't help, they were flooding back. Every time her and Cedric met here. Those were beautiful days. But now, she was missing his beautiful face.

"What will I do without you, my love?"

"Yes, what will you do?"

The voice caught her off guard, in a matter of seconds there was a wand to the man's neck. Snape.

"Put your wand down.. I knew I would find you here." The raven haired man pushed the tip of her wand away, watching as the girl frowned.


"Yes, giggles?"

Giggles. Name she hadn't heard in years. It's the one Snape had given her, from the day she was born. The man felt a connection to the young girl, and was jealous this child was not his own. Oh, how different her life would be if he was.

"Thank you, for everything.." it was quick. Her arms found themselves squeezing his torso. He was quick to react as well. Embracing the young girl.

"Anything, for you.."

This was what he longed for. Father and daughter love. He had it now. With a girl that he didn't help conceive. He would protect her with everything In his being. This was her world, and he was just living in it.

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now