The Montuges

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My father was apart of the sacred 28 of pure blood wizard families. He was a Montgue and I find honor in that name, not because of pure blood status because quite frankly I could care less, I find it a honor because of my father's character, the man he was,my father was a great man and was my hero really.
My name is Laila, I get told a lot I have my fathers smile and his laugh and I have my mother's beauty, dark brown curly hair , paired with big dark brown eyes and freckles all over my brown skin. I am an only child but I never felt alone because I spent all my time with Kristin my older cousin, not by much just a few months really. Kirstin got our fathers eyes , so bright and green and beautiful, she has her mother's long brown hair. Kristin's father and my father were twin brothers and they did everything together. The two of them decided to leave London and head of to the U.S and to start over together, they wanted no part in the mess of a war that was starting. Some say they were cowards for leaving and some even call them blood traitors but my father and uncle died for this war and I'll be damned if I allow anyone to speak down on their names. To their surprise the dark Lord had followers everywhere apparently and the two of them and my mother and aunt went to try to put an end to this madness once and for all.
One night they had me and Kristin in a room and charmed it so we couldn't get out or no one could get in. My father knew I would want to fight so he did what he thought was best, but it left me and Kristin parentless. When the spell wore off and we could leave the room I found a letter addressed to me and Kristin. It read "our beautiful girls, If you are reading this it means we lost our battle, I hoped that it would not have had to come to this but at last war has casualties that will leave children parentless. We want you both to know we did not leave you with nothing. Our dear friend from Hogwarts, Arthur Weasley, should be expecting you too and take you in. We have money for the both of you two, go to hogwarts and finish your education. This war is far from over girls, this was our fight but your fight is over there. We will always be with you now go and do the right thing."
I felt so empty, I couldn't cry I have no idea why I just couldn't it was as if my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach and Kristin was sobbing and couldn't contain herself. More than ever now me and Kristin rely on each other. We are all we have and I would die protecting her.
The next day we had packed what we could in a suitcase and prepared for our long journey ahead of us. After hours of travel we meet a tall ginger man at platform 9 3/4. "Hello girls!" He said as he embraced us both into a big hug.
"Oh hello..." I said taken aback.
"Your fathers and I were best mates,I was hoping I wouldn't be having to do this but I'm so glad to be able to meet you and welcome you to our home.Now the car is parked this way, your fathers mentioned you two spent a lot of time with muggles so tell me what are they like?"
I laughed he's exactly what I imagined him to be from the story my father would tell me. He's very peculiar.
It didn't take that long for us to get to the burrow and when we did we were embraced by a ginger women she smelled like honey and cinnamon. Her hug gave me a comfort I didn't think I would ever feel again.
"Hello girls I'm Molly I'm so happy to meet you and have you here"
"thank you for having us" me and Kristin said.
"Let me introduce you to my children! Kidssss!!!" She screamed and 5 ginger kids rushed down the stairs. I couldn't contain my grinning because these people gave me a sense of home within minutes of meeting them that I feel like I forgot about the events that happened a day ago.
"This is Percy, Fred and George my twins, my youngest boy Ron and my little Ginny" molly explained.
"Nice to meet you all" I said
"yea thanks for having us" Kristin joined.
"You have America accents? I thought our dads went to school together?" Ron asked
"yea our moms are from America though and we went to school out there" I explained.
"Oh wicked" the twins said at the same time.
"Do you guys do that a lot?" I asked "do what" they said "that... speaking at the same time it's creepy" "well of course" they laughed. You think that I wouldn't be able to tell them apart so quickly but I can. Fred is a little bolder and leads and George has a lot of kindness behind his eyes,Merlin knows I could use some kindness.
"Okay Weasleys let's let the girls get settled in Ginny darling they will be staying with you would you mind showing them to their beds?" Arthur said.
"Of course! You guys can follow me!"Ginny said beaming.

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