The Yule Ball pt 1

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I walk into the griffyndor common room and see a bunch of the girls sitting in a circle talking. This ball is apparently a big thing. I really hope that Cedric decides to ask me. We have been a quite a few dates now and he is the kindest man I have ever met. I go and join the girls as the gossip about which boys are going to ask them to the dance.
"Victor Krum has asked me three times now..each time I keep blowing him off but I think if he asks me again I am going to say yes" Hermione said shyly.
I think she was holding off for my idiot best friend to ask her. Merlin that boy needs all the help.
"Neville asked me to go yesterday I said yes" Ginny smiled.
"no one has asked me yet" Krisy looked sad.
"Krisy half of Ravenclaw has asked you! you are just turning them all down for a certain little Slytherin boy to ask you" I teased her. "I think Cedric will ask me" I gushed "he ask me to meet him today after potions" The rest of the girls giggled.
"You and Cedric are absolutely adorable" Ginny said grabbing my hand. I Have this feeling that me and him will last. I don't know he is just different.
"I really like him" I blushed.
"We really are going to be late for potions!" Hermione said. We all put on our robes and left for class. I sit next to Ron in Potions and Krisy has the gift of sitting next to Malfoy. I know she likes him just a little bit, they go at it like cats every class. I rush in grabbing my seat next to my favorite ginger. "Weasley! your stupidity never seems to surprise me." I said as I sit down.
"What? What have I done this time." He said looking at me.
"Why didn't you ask Hermione to the ball et?She was waiting for you to ask her you jerk."
"I was getting along to it.. but I never really knew how to go about it do you think it is too late?"
"I don't think that its too late loser. ask her today at the great hall." I whispered to him.
"and has Diggory asked you yet?"
"No im sure he is busy with champion stuff but I think he will ask me after class. " I smiled.
"He is a idiot if he doesn't. Just know a ton of Griffyndor boys are willing to ask you if he screws it up"
"Thanks Weasley" I smiled.  Class was over and everyone completely scattered.

After class Cedric is waiting for me.
"Hey pretty boy you wanted to talk" I smiled
"yea I did. You know there is no hard feelings right and you can tell me anything you didn't need to get nervous and write it in a letter." He said. I was completely lost.
"Im sorry what's going on..."
"the letter you sent me saying that we are better off as friends.It hurt but I am glad you told me in a way that you are comfortable. I hope we can still be friends though."
"what is going on right now..Cedric I never wrote you a letter. I wanted you to ask me to the ball I like you...a lot really" I grabbed his hand. His eyes looked sad. "But you already asked someone else didn't you.." I said softly.
"I am so so sorry I had no idea you didn't write that letter..I can't not go with her though.."
"of course you cant you are perfect gentlemen Cedric diggory"
I can't believe I am about to cry in front of him. Of course this would happen to me. We are both just standing here and I am avoiding his eye contact. God I wish I was anywhere but here right now. He grabbed my face and wipes the tears falling down my face.He has such beautiful eyes. My leg is shaking because I am so embarrassed. He kissed my forehead and we just stood there for a while."Go Cedric.. I will be fine.. you aren't the bad guy I am pretty sure I know who is though" I laughed and he smiled at me.
Not like his normal smile though like he pitted me. I hate that smile. He left me standing there and then all of a sudden all of my emotions got the best of me. I ran away trying to go to the bathroom to cry it out.

I get to the bathroom and I already hear someone sniffling and it sounded familiar. "Krisy.." I called out.
"Laila.." she responded to me.
"Krisy come out what's wrong?" I decided to save myself the embarrassment and not tell her what happened with me and Cedric.She came out of the stall with her eyes so red.
"He said he would never take a blood traitor like me to the dance... I should have known better you were completely right he has no soul" I pull her into a hug. "I swear Krisy when I see him... "
"its okay really.. I know he said it because he was in front of his stupid little bitch boys." she said all angry.
"you know every night I sneak out and he meets with me.. He really isn't as bad as he tries to make himself seem.. I feel bad for him really.." I looked at how sad she was.
"I am so sorry Krisy...I really am."
"its okay not everyone can have a Cedric Diggory in our lives... some of us have to take the problematic ones" She laughed. I should have just told her then. I couldn't get the words out.
"lets go to the great hall and eat I think you should eat something Krisy"
"Go ahead I need a few more minutes in. here... I will meet you there." she smiled at me. so I left to go meet Ron.

I get to the great hall and Hermione rushed right past me visibly upset leaving. I already knew it had something to do with Ron.
"what was that about.." I say as I sit down.
"I told her that everyone is being asked to the ball and its just embarrassing for a girl to not have a date and she can go with me.. she did a lot of screaming and decided to leave."
"wow I wonder why... is smooth talking just a gene that is skipped in Weasley men?" I teased him. Harry Laughed.
"How about you chosen one got a date to the ball?" "no apparently being the chosen one does not help with the ladies" He said shyly.
"Just ask some random Griffyndor girl I am sure anyone would be more than happy to go to the ball with a champion" Krisy came rushing in and her entire mood changed.
"Im glad you are feeling better krisy"
"I am I have a date to the ball now!"
"Really who asked you!"
"Fred Weasley!" the smile slowly left my face. "Fred...Weasley asked you to the ball"
"yes! isn't this exciting!" I am at a lose for words. I really can not believe him. I don't understand why he hates me so much. I get up and leave the hall and Ron follows me.
"Hey, hey, hey Montuge slow down" he grabs my arm and sees me crying.
"have I ever mentioned how much I hate your brother..." He pulled me into his chest and rested his head on top of mine.
"you maybe mentioned it once or twice.."
"he wrote a letter to Cedric pretending to be me telling him I didn't like him and Cedric asked another girl to the dance... and if that wasn't enough he goes and asks krisy to the dance..."
"What?! I cant believe he would do anything like that..."
"Merlin why does he hate me so much... he ruined this ball for me I won't go I won't do it" Ron looked very sad.
"well it is not worth us both moping around... how would you like to go to the ball with me?" I looked up at him and smiled.
"I think I would absolutely love that"
"there's my girls smile" He picked me up and twirled me around. we both laughed.

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