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Abigail's POV

Mark has been drinking non-stop since the day, Beth went missing. She ran away after hitting Savannah, Mark said. But I could feel that something was off. She loved him. I saw that. Yes, she blindly loved him.

“Mark... Stop.” I tried to pull away the bottle of Bourbon, but he ignored me and finished it before giving it to me.

I was disappointed knowing that I couldn't do anything about him. This is the first time I am seeing him crying over a girl. He didn't show any emotion even when I announced that I was leaving. He was ok. We had a civilized conversation. He even managed to handle Savannah and never asked me to come back to him. Never.

I have known him all of my life. I was three when his mother died due to pneumonia. His mother, Alice used to work for the orphanage. He was 1 at that time. We played together. We were not best friends, but we were civilized with each other.

“Elizabeth?” He called. “Ginger.....”


He called Elizabeth, ginger. I have heard this before. It's like remembering my whole life.

He struggled to stand. Obviously, he failed and laid down on the floor to let out a laugh. A humourless, loud laugh, that echoed in the hallway.

Drunk man.

“Mark, you need to bathe. Sylvia is calling for her mama.” I tried to blackmail him, but he ignored me and turn 360°, to lay down on stomach. Then, I heard him snoring.

How he could sleep at this condition?

How does Beth handled him?

I kicked him but nothing happened.

He looks like a homeless person. He even stinks. Messy hair, puffy eyes. He doesn't even look like a businessman.

I need to be at hospital for Savannah but before that I chose to help him first so that he could meet his daughters as soon as he's sober. I dragged him to his bed and pulled out his t-shirt to change the outfit.

I saw blood.

His abdomen had blood. Dried blood.

“What were you doing Mark?” I yelled.

“Ginger, you are mine.” He mumbled.

I didn't say anything and decided to leave once I am done settling him down. Savannah and Sylvia both are hospital. They both need their parents. But one is missing and the other is drunk. Even Eli is scared.

I feel like an outsider when Sylvia called mama and I tried to hug her. But that little girl shoved me away and cried out. She wants her mama and I am not her mama. She wants Beth, her mama. Even Savannah called for Beth before sleeping into coma. Eli is looking for Beth. Now, Mark is calling for Beth.

I tried cleaned his body as much as possible and went to his closet to pull out a comfortable outfit, but his t-shirt got stuck.

He needs to change the furniture. His clothes always get stuck and it is a normal phenomenon.

I used my power to pull out t-shirt but instead I heard it, getting tearing. So I decided to let it go. He owns another t-shirt as well.

I pulled a random t-shirt and was about to leave but one shiny thing caught my attention.

His closet has a locker inside it. A secret vault?

I need to close it.


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