She can easily break him

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Tooru Oikawa:
As a boyfriend

Tooru sighed, his phone had never received any of your messages or calls that day. You didn't send him any, ever since the previous weekend.

You didn't return any of his messages and calls either.

"Did I mess up again?" He talked to no one in particular.

He groaned and ruffled his hair, he had also texted Iwaizumi that day. His best friend, being blunt as always, texted.

subject: ha serves u right

maybe she got tired of u already.

No way, it had only been two months ever since Oikawa promised that he's make you fall in love with him.

He felt so helpless, is he gonna lose you completely this time?

"Oh my g-god." He stuttered. The corners of his eyes pricked as tears welled up, a sob escaping his lips.

He cursed at himself, if he accepted his fate sooner then he might've been happy with you.

Skinships, being lovey-dovey, late night calls and kisses might've happened so often.

"Oh god, so fucking stupid." He broke down, tears streamed down his face like an endless waterfall.

He hiccuped as he cried, turning his phone on immediately as he hears the sound of a notification.

subject: --

just kidding, she might be busy.

Iwaizumi can be an asshole sometimes.

subject: don't cry asshole

she's the student council secretary, remember?

Oikawa blinked, deciding to hold onto hope. He nodded to himself, "Yeah, maybe she's busy. Things are hectic since we're third years already."

But you still didn't reply to any of his messages and calls that day.

"What's up with him?" Hanamaki whispered to Iwaizumi, leaning away from a dejected-looking Oikawa.

"His girl didn't text or called him at all since the last weekend."

Matsukawa hummed.

The day was nearing its end, and Oikawa didn't see you at all. Adding to that, you still haven't contacted him at all.

The group walked towards the school gym, Oikawa invited them saying he needs to release some steam.

"Maybe she doesn't want me after all." Oikawa started.

"I mean, who would? Right? I shouldn't expect someone to stay after breaking them multiple times." He sobbed, bringing his head to his knees as he crouched down to hide his face.

The trio sighed as they stared at Tooru's sobbing figure.

"I'm gonna lose her. I'm going to lose her." Oikawa muttered repeatedly.

That girl didn't know how she can easily break him into fragments.

Days with Oikawa
※ an early update for u guys <3

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