Chapter Three

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They fit into every category you described; Normally quiet, huggable, and to top it all off, the most adorable thing you've seen, by far.

The sugar gliders were a close second. So, if the rabbit thing didn't go as planned, they'd be your go-to.

Gazing into the cage of the lovable bunny-rabbits, you decided doing a little research might benefit the entire experience of having a pet. Better to be safe than sorry.

"Oh, gosh. The female rabbits have periods?" You scrunched your nose in disgust, almost as if you didn't bleed, yourself. "Yeah, there isn't any way in hell I'm cleaning that up. I'm going with a boy."

You continued scrolling through your phone, looking for more information on male bunnies.

According to your research, they were a considerable amount more relaxed than the ladies, but they did tend to get protective of their females when in heat.

"What the..." You reread the article you were scrolling through, just to check if your eyes were playing tricks. "Male bunnies also go into heat? That's odd."

After a minute of pondering over the decision of whether you should have a boy bunny try to do the horizontal tango with your hand or have your girl make your house look like the spawn of Satan, himself.

"Aye, at least the first one doesn't require cleaning. He's a little bunny, I can just pull him off."

After deciding, you looked up some pictures of different colored rabbits. You were totally into the simple-colored ones. For example, just plain black or white. The spots were too eccentric.

"Okay," You whispered, as to not disturb the sleeping bunnies. You peered into the cage, looking for the one that was perfect. "Male and bland. Shouldn't be hard."

Long story short, it was hard. They were all just the sweetest things. It was nearly impossible to decide.

"Let's break up the groups; White, black, and brown." You murmured as the little pitter-patters of their feet on the glass created white noise. "I would totally choose the white ones, but they're all albino here. I'm not really digging the red eyes. The brown ones look like I picked one up from my backyard and shoved it into a cage. Not gonna happen. As for the black ones... Majestic and cunning. Black, it is!"

You squinted your eyes in search of a black bunny. One, in particular, caught your attention.

The little thing had big, black eyes. They were the richest shade of the Earth. The reflected light in his eye appeared as if they were the stars the lit up the infinite pool of darkness, which was the nighttime sky. It was impossible to think you could see so much light through the pitch black.

"Hey, little guy." You cooed, bending down to meet their eye-level. Unfortunately, you were only talking at them, as they were just bunnies. "You're coming home with me, okay?"

Just as you started to stand up, you saw the clerk's head.

"I heard the word home! Do we have a certain goofball you want?" He asked kindly, walking over to where you previously stood.

"Uh, yeah. That little black one in the back." You pushed your finger up against the glass, in hopes he would understand which one you were talking about

"Now that you mention it, I'm glad you're taking him home. He isn't liked by the others." The man smiles sadly, reaching for the key that unlocks the cage. "I'm not quite sure why. I think he's the cutest one in there, yet all of them refuse to touch him."

"That's odd." You frowned at the thought of the poor thing wanting love, but being rejected. Seen as an outcast. Now, you were even more certain you'd take it home.

"Any name ideas?" The man inquired, shoving the key into its hole. You heard a soft popping noise before he took the lid off. "Ah, here you go! Mind holding him for a second while I go get a carrier? I'll be back soon."

Just after you nodded, the rabbit was gently placed into your hands. He was one of the cutest animals you've seen in a long time and, if you were being frank, all animals are amazing.

You laid him down in the middle of your crossed legs, as he was seemingly very uncomfortable being held. The moment he was set down, he stiffened and just sat. He didn't seem relaxed whatsoever and was very resistant to any touch.

"I've got a list of supplies you might need and a carrier." The man appeared, nearly out of thin air. He crouched down and exchanged you the slip of paper for the rabbit, which he set in a soft fabric carrier.

Seeing the bunny stay on guard, even after being solitary, shattered your heart. He really was mistreated by the other bunnies.

You managed to detach your eyes from the sight and place them onto the paper. The list was decently sized, but not at all nonessential.

"Of course, we have everything you need for your pet here, so you could pay the total upfront." He grinned, handing the carrier back to you. "Of course, for taking this little guy in, I could make some offers that would be on the house."

You looked at the man with eyes that resembled dining plates. He'd really go this far just for you adopting a mistreated

"That's awfully generous of you," You proposed, standing up with your beloved pet still in your hand. "But I could never decline such a kind offer. What's your name?"

"Ah, happy to help! You seem like a wonderful owner." He gleamed, sticking his hand out for you to shake. Hesitantly, you took it in your own. "The name's Hoseok."

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