Chapter Eight

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"Yoongi!" You pounded in his door, hoping he at least started stirring from the noise. "Please, I need your help! It's serious!"

Behind the door, he was lying on the couch and watching My Hero Academia, munching on some plain crackers because ✨ gluttony ✨

He hauled himself off of the couch, feeling like he weighed a ton, and dragged himself to the door.

"Mmm talk to me." He said without any energy, but he still put in the effort. Be grateful.

"This may sound weird, but I need an entire set of clothes from you. I'm saying boxers and everything." You explained, having absolutely no time for shame.

He gave you his signature 'Tf' look but carried on with it anyways. He slammed the door in your face, but he soon came out with what you'd requested.

"You're an oddball, Y/N." He rubbed the top of your head before you zoomed back to your apartment.

You fucking opened your poor door with the force of an oncoming train. If it wasn't his owner who nearly obliterated the entire door, Jungkook would've actually shit himself.

"Take these!" You threw the clothes at his face, the velocity spiking. "Put those on, but in the bathroom."

He removed the cloth which had landed on his ears and into the bathroom, still bundled in his blanket. At least he had some decency to not throw his dong everywhere.

To speed time up just a bit, you decided to grab a cup of hot cocoa. Nothing could beat the warm feeling of drinking some, during the Winter or not.

As the chocolate-y liquid steamed in its mug, you heard a door squeak. The only explanation of why the door made such a noise must've been because JK had finished changing.

"I'm in the kitchen and if you'd like, show me." You told him, earning a small 'okay' from the bunny boy.

He coyly stepped into your line of vision, gripping both of his hands behind his back in chagrin. His round eyes didn't dare to meet anything but the ground, while yours couldn't rip themselves off of him.

Since when did Yoongi become so fashionable?

"Why so shy?" You conveyed, setting the soft drink on the counter. Jungkook's head perked at the clinking of the glass and counter, giving you the opportunity to sneak in a head rub. "You look amazing! No need to feel flustered, okay?"

You asked him to do what you were too incompetent to do.

To be unflustered.

As much as you despise yourself for saying the following, you couldn't help but feel attracted to him. He was previously a little rabbit, sure, but now, he could come off as perfectly human.

"Y/N?" He called, his eyes wide as he gazed into your own. According to the confused hue in his words, you'd just wandered off and into your own world for a second.

"Sorry, I lost myself there." You shot him an awkward smile and gently passed your hands through your hair.

An uncomfortable aura danced around the room, causing a sense of embarrassment to wash over the two of you.

Well, maybe you were the only one under a drape embarrassment, accounting the fact that Jungkook was sniffing the counter, seemingly unbothered.

"What is this?" He questioned, picking the cup of hot cocoa up with one hand underneath and the other on the handle. "It smells sweet and kind of like you."

"Hot chocolate. Do you want a sip?" He nodded while poking at the porous marshmallows that floated toward the surface.

He a small gulp of the warm liquid, which made his throat and stomach instantly toasty.

Satisfied by his pleased expression, you went into your room to relax for the rest of the day. He watched as you walked off into the abyss, but soon focused back in on the brown liquid that was warming his hands through the glass walls of the mug.

If this was what humans drank all of the time, maybe not being a bunny wouldn't be too bad.

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