Chapter Four

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"Thank you Hoseok!" You beamed and waved, not having to look where you were going as the doors were automatic.

At the jingle of the bell, signaling your exit, Hoseok slumped back in his seat. His usually happy face morphed into one of worry and concern.

He thought back to the moment where he offered to allow you to read the terms of agreement, yet you didn't do so. You just signed your name onto the sheet without reading anything.

"She doesn't know what she's getting herself into."


You walked happily back into your house. You knew that you finally had someone you could share your emotions with, and they couldn't complain about you laying all of your problems on the table for them to deal with.

This is why animals are better than humans, without a doubt. Though, there are few acceptions, like close friends.

Even that was tough, though because your poor, unfortunate soul only had a single friend. Who may this stranger be? Well, if you're dying to know, this boy would be Yoongi.

His angsty little ass is obsessed with anything that can be relatively classified as NSFW. If you were honest, you never fully understood the concept of.. That stuff.

That wasn't his main interest, luckily. He enjoyed rapping, and as he said, being swag. It's just Yoongi's brand.

This may seem out of character for him, but he'd always watch Sci-Fi's when he was younger. He still does, he just doesn't like to admit any of it.

Getting back on track, you turned the doorknob slightly to the right then pushing, allowing you to open the door.

The sugary autumn smell of the candle you left burning filled the air, and you hoped your pet could smell it with that tiny nose of his, also.

"Oh, wait." You mumbled, placing the hamper onto the couch. You sat down directly in front of it, staring into its eyes. "You need a name, little guy. Then I can stop referring to you as an object."

You unzipped the carrier, enabling its ability to get a clear view of you. You've noticed how stressed it seemed, so you placed it in a circular pen where it could roam far and wide. The moment you set the poor thing down, it immediately ran for shelter.

"You're gonna be a tough one, aren't you?" You sighed, propping your head onto your hand.

The bunny looked at you, eyes full of fear as if it was experiencing its last moments of life were passing.

You slowly reached your hand, in hopes showing you weren't attempting to eat it would help.

"About the names thing..." You whispered, trying not to scare the rabbit, whom you were luring in. "What about Kookie? Ew, hell no. Imagine how many nine year olds are out there with their pets they named Kookie, themselves. Maybe a complex version of that?"

The bunny inched closer by the second, slowly putting on foot in front of other. You were still too stumped on what his name should be to notice he was close to you, until you felt a thump on your lap.

You looked down, seeing the last thing you'd expect.

Your frail, little bunny who was scared you'd eat him alive just under a minute ago was nuzzling its head into your lap.

"Ah, how about Jungkook? Do you like that?" You lightly rubbed the behind of 'Jungkook's' ears, him thumping his leg in happiness. You were bonding with him so quickly, it made you happier than you've been in awhile. "Alright, if you like the name, it's all yours."

Just as you and Jungkook were getting comfy, your phone blared, scaring the him back into his tiny house. You huffed at the abrupt moment-ruining phone call.

"It's alright, don't worry, Jungkook. It's alright." You assured him quietly, grabbing the phone and silencing it before answering.

"Y/N." A familiar voice called out your name.

"Sup, Yoongles. Watcha up to?" You asked, crushing the phone between your head and shoulder so you're able to pick up Jungkook in a comfortable way.

"Is that even a question? I'm sure you already know." You heard him scoff, in all seriousness. He really was too much for his and your own good.

You sat you and JK down on the couch as you got your ruined as Yoongi went on and on about what he watched.

"How did your angel of a mom produce something so fucking gross." You groaned, petting Jungkook's back affectionately. "I really grew up with the worst of people."

You heard a dry laugh and some jingling keys over the line before you heard Yoongi say, "Get your ass up and hide, I'm coming over. You dare say that to someone who's blessed you with such swag? Not to mention my rap skills."

"Min Yoongi, I know you still have your fat butt on that couch of yours. You wanted to be reincarnated as a rock when you died. I wouldn't call that very productive." You shot back, your sudden raise of volume startling Jungkook a bit.

Not shortly after, you heard a loud whine and a few bangs. Most likely from him hitting the table out of frustration.

"You know me too well and I hate it." He sneered, sighing at the very end. "I guess since you're too dense to realized how important I am to your life, I might as well ask if you've done anything fun."

"Yep, I got a bunny!" Your smile spread from ear to ear, like butter. "I named him Jungkook."

You heard a stifled laugh, but after he heard you didn't laugh back, he asked, "You named him Jungkook? Out of all things? That's the weirdest fucking name."

"Says the one got named Yoongi." You mumbled, pulling Jungkook closer to you. Even though he couldn't understand human words, you felt as though you needed to comfort him. "He's plain black and such a sweetheart."

"Hmph, he actually sounds really cute. Where'd you get him?" He questioned, sounding genuinely curious about your life for once.

"This weird little pet shop. I don't quite remember the name, but there was this clerk there named Hoseok. He was super nice, and told me that Jungkook was ignored by the others." You looked down at the poor thing. He never deserved any hate. He was a pure ball of joy.

"You know," Yoongi began. "There've been rumors going around about that shop."

"About what?" You asked nonchalantly, still giving much love to your little friend.

"I've overheard stories about how a shop near us is cursed with hybrids. I wonder if you were one of the unlucky few." He laughed a bit at the end while trying to sound slightly haunting, but you just imagined his gummy smile and he was anything but that.

You then released a little, 'Woah' realizing you were in a similar situation. "That'd be really cool, honestly! I wonder what Jungkook would look like."

"Yeah, same." He responded, and with his tone of voice, it was evident he was getting sleepy. "Hey, it's nap time for me. Tell that little ball of shit I said goodnight."

Without another word, the conversation you had just ended on a very short notice.

"Alright, buddy, do you feel comfy with sleeping with me tonight?" You cradled Jungkook up, his small form melting into your hands. You could tell he was much more comfortable with you then he was in the pet shop. "You're not opposing, so why not? Man, are you awfully cooperative for a bunny."

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