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Today we spend all day out we all had so much fun than we went to eat all together and went back to the hotel in separate ways  Mona was with me and y/n I know she felt wired now that we are a couple but good thing is the we are leaving tomorrow afternoon so she doesn't have to spend time with us any more unless she comes and visits us or we hung out.

The next morning we got up early to Pack out stuff and to go to the airport. When we are all done we went to the cars to take us to the airport we went on different airplanes Mona Jose and Jasmine went back to Colombia Benito Gabriella Anuel Karol and I went back to Puerto Rico and y/n went to LA she had to some meetings there. When we got there we said our good byes and went of our different ways.

When I got to my house I went to take a shower and to sleep it was a long boring flight I needed some sleep.
When I got to LA I went to my cousins house to stay there for a little I got there and she told me to take a bath and so sleep because tomorrow morning I had a meeting with some producers and I had some projects I will like to start working on as soon as i can.

When I woke up the next morning I got ready to go to my meeting it was early in the morning so I went to get ready I got my coffee and I made my way to the meeting. After I got there I greeted my manager and the others we started talking about the next project. When the meeting was over I went back to my cousins house we went out to eat than we went to the beach we stayed there till the sun set than we went back to her house I told her I wanted to go back to ( home town ) and visit my parents and she said I should go I asked her to came with and she said yes since she miss her parents to. I texted jefnier to let him know I was going to visit my parents for a few days and he said to have fun. 

My cousin and I started to pack to go to ( home town ) the same night to surprise our parent tomorrow morning We made our way to the airport and we waited for your plain to be called after a an hours it was time to go we went and got in our seats we were next to each other.

When we got there we got an Uber to take us to my parents house we got there and we went into the back door we walk into the house and he heard my parents in the living room we walk there and we screamed surprise

Omg you guys are here!! My dad said walking to hug us

Omg I can't believe this it's been a long time since I seen you both I miss you guys!! My mom said crying and hugging is.

I mis you guys too it been for ever. I said crying because I miss them so much

Me to since I left for LA I have seen you guys. My cousin said.

We talked and catch up on missing thing and we went to but our stuff in my old room and we went back to have brake fist with my parents since we didn't eat this morning.

After we finished eating we went to a park than to buy some grocery's to make a nice dinner and to celebrate that we are back and for our success. I can't believe it been so long since I have been here. Well eating my dad asked me some questions

So y/n are you doing any new music? Dad asked me
Yes I actually I'm there's a few coming soon. I said proud
And have you find a boyfriend? He asked seriously
I actually do have a boyfriend. I said blushing
Well tell us about him. My mother said exited
Okay well his name is Jefnier Osorio his from Puerto Rico his a singer he makes regeneration music his so sweet and nice he makes me happy and make me have butterfly's he's so understanding and humble and I can't wait for you guys to meet him. I said happily.
Well I'm glad you have a guy that loves you and understands you. You father said
Yes sweetheart I'm glad your happy with him. You mom said.
Yes finally you get a man I was starting to think you were gonna die alone. You cousin said.

After we finished I eased the dishes and my cousin helped clean up we went to my room we talk some more than we got ready to go to bed.

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