Chapter 17

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Caven! What the hell did you do?!" Sydney was pacing around Inks roll

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Caven! What the hell did you do?!" Sydney was pacing around Inks roll. He was still on his run so she was had to call him for this conversation.

"Don't 'it's nothing, baby' me! My boss called me saying some tatted guys came into his office and busted his nose up."
She knew she should take this phone call to enjoy being awake to talk to him but she was furious.

"No! I loved that job.....don't you raise your voice at me! I'm not the one in trouble here." Sydney hated when Ink tried to step up and do things she could handle. She was going to talk to her boss about the incident when she got back. If her boss wanted to play innocent, she would have left.

"I am grown, Caven. I have been taking care of myself since I was little. I can handle myself......No! You do things without asking me." Sydney could feel her blood pressure skyrocketing.

"You always do things for my 'benefit', but I'm always left out of the decision making. I think I have a right to my own choices in life" They argued for what felt like forever.  Eventually, Sydney gave up and decided she wanted to lay down for a nap. The headache she had before the phone call was now a thousand times worse.

"I'll see you when you get back. Love you" she waited for his reply before hanging up the phone. Sydney locked the door of the room before stripping down. She needed a nice warm relaxing bath.

Sydney tossed her clothes in the hamper before preparing her bath. While the water was running she grabbed a hair tie and pulled her beautiful curls into a high bun.

As soon as she sat down in the warm water, she felt her body instantly relax. Sydney was just under so much stress from just recovering from the incident, dealing with work, and her overbearing boyfriend.

"Hey beaut-" ink was cut off by a very angry Sydney. He definitely wasn't expecting that attitude when he called her but soon he realized why she was upset.

" Look. It's no big deal. It's nothing" ink tried to play it off but he knew he shouldn't have. He knew how short temper Sydney was.

"'s just a fucking job, Sydney!" Ink knew he had royally fucked up when he raised his tone. By the look on Tank's face, he even knew that man did the worst thing possible when a female is mad.

"I know you can. I'm just trying to help you out." Ink groaned knowing this was going to be a bad argument.

They went at it a little longer before Sydney was finally through and said goodbye. "Love you too"

"You're fucked" Tank was laying on the cot with his arms folded behind his head. His eyes were just but a smirk was on his face.

"Kiss my ass, Tank. I'm not fucked" Ink tossed his phone down on his bags before sitting on the edge of his cot. They were staying at one of the safe houses outside of town. Bear had a few located around the place just in case.

Ink pulled his cut off then boots and set them beside the cot. He pulled his hair up before laying down and attempted to get comfortable. All he could think about was how screwed he was.

On the say Ink was coming back home, she got an unexpected phone call from her dad. He managed to convince her to come to visit them. Her parents had just gotten back from their trip.

When Sydney arrived at her parent's house they were bringing the bags into the house. Sydney parked the truck next to them before getting out to help.

"Let me get this one mom" Sydney reached out to take the bag from her mom only to be ignored. Her mother takes the bag and walks right past Sydney.

Sydney sighs and looked up at her dad who had an apologetic look on his face. He just finished grabbing the bags and shut the door of the car. "Come on, we want to talk to you."

"It doesn't look like mom wants to even breath the same air I do" Sydney crosses her arms and follows her dad in the house. She could hear her mom rusting in the kitchen.

Her dad dropped the bags off in the bedroom before heading into the kitchen. Sydney didn't even bother going in there, she just walked off into the living room and sat down.

She listened to the sound of their muffled voices coming from the kitchen. The tone of her mother's voice told her she definitely didn't want Sydney around.

It took her father raising his voice to her mother to finally come into the living. Sydney watched as they say down on the couch in front of her. Her mother kept her arm folded over her chest.

"Dad. What did you call me down here for? I've not wanted here" Sydney rolled her eyes as she leaned onto the arm of the couch.

Her mother scoffed and rolled her eyes. Sydney was to the point of walking out of the house. She didn't need to put up with the attitude her mother had.

"Syd, you are always welcome here-"

"She is but not that so-called man of hers" Sydney's mother finally spoke up.

"If MY man isn't welcome here, then I'm not going to be here either. He has done nothing but treat me like a Queen, sometimes too much like one but he loves me" Sydney sat straight up at looked at her mother. Even though she felt like her mother could care less about how she felt about the situation.

"Caven would take a bullet for me. You should be happy that I've found someone to take care of me. Someone who treats your daughter like a goddess." Sydney stood from the couch and grabbed her keys from the coffee table.

"I wish you both could accept us but I'm done trying to have your approval on my life. I'm living for me." She fumbled with her keys as she made her way to the front door. Sydney didn't look back at them because she didn't want them to see the pain in her eyes. Deep down she knew this was probably the last time she would walk into the house she grew up in.

Ink and Sydney  |T.W #2|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang