Chapter 37

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Sydney watched as they loaded her mom into the psych ward bus

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Sydney watched as they loaded her mom into the psych ward bus. She didn't want to do it but it needed to be done. Her mother wasn't in the right mindset.

"Baby" ink walks up behind Sydney and places his hands ok her shoulders. Sydney just shook her head before turning around the face bid chest. She wrapped her arms around him and held on tight.

"caven. She...she wanted those men to-"

"shhhh, I heard baby." ink didn't want her to have to relive that day or what just happened with her mom.

"why? What- what did I do deserve that?" Sydney started to sobs against his chest. Ink held her as close as he could for comfort. He lightly placed his hand on the back of her head.

"Nothing, baby. Nothing" ink wasn't sure how to comfort her. He didn't know what she needed in order to cope with everything. Ink did know he was going to hold her and let her cry as long as she needed to.

"Sydney...I'm sorry to interrupt but Charmaine is getting all fussy and I think she wants you" Haisley walks up to Ink and Sydney with Charmaine in her arms. The little girl was tears running down her face as she reached out for Sydney.

Sydney nodded as she wiped her own face that was covered in tears before taking Charmaine. "Shhhh, no more crying baby" Sydney was having the worst day of her life but she was going to smile like nothing was wrong in front of her daughter.

"I guess we will be heading home." Sydney didn't even look up at Haisley knowing the tears would start falling again.

"S-sure. I'll have Bear talk to the men about fixing your door. They should have it done by this afternoon." Sydney just nodded as Haisley spoke. Charmaine was holding onto her so tightly. This was the first time they had been separated for more than a few hours.

"It's okay, little mama." She continued to wipe Charmaine's cheeks softly. All Sydney wanted to do was laying down with Ink and Charmaine. She needed her little family now more than ever.

"I'll grab Char's bag then we will head home," Ink says before kissing Sydney's forehead and heading up to his room. He quickly threw everything back into the diaper bag.

"It will get better, I promise. Just stay strong for yourself and this beautiful little girl of yours" Haisley knew the helpless and heartbroken feeling Sydney was experiencing now.

"It's going to be hard, but it worth all the effort you have to put into getting better" Sydney looks up at Haisley finally and smiled weakly.

"I'm gonna going to do it. For Charmaine and- and Caven. I'll be okay. For them"

"But also be okay for yourself. I'll always be here if you want to talk. You know that right?" Haisley was concerned for Sydney. She just looked so drained in every aspect. Mentally, physically, and emotionally.

"Let that hunk of a man that you have to take care of you." Haisley knew how Sydney was. She would go through hell and back for anyone even if it almost killed her. She always thought of other first but now she really needed to put herself first.

"I can't-"

"You can. Ink would find a way to capture a star a bring it to you if you asked. I'm sure he would happily take care of his Fiancé especially in her time of need" Sydney felt her throat tighten as the tears started to build up again. She only nodded knowing if she spoke, a breakdown would soon to follow.

"Let's go, baby." Ink says as he comes back from upstairs. He had the diaper bag on his shoulder and the truck keys in his hand.

"Take care of my girl, Ink. You hear me" Haisley stays in a serious tone even though she knew it would regardless.

"Always and forever. Oh, tell the boys I may not be at the garage for a few days-"

"Don't worry about them. I'll handle that. You just take care" Haisley didn't want them worrying over anything other than each other.

"Thank you, for everything Haisley" Ink wasn't the type to go around thanking people but he said it when it was needed.

"Oh shush. You'd do it for me" Haisley rolled her eyes playfully as she followed them out to the truck.

Sydney buckled Charmaine in the car seat though the little girl definitely didn't want to be there.

"We will call you soon." Sydney hugs Haisley and says goodbye before getting in the truck.

When they arrived home, Sydney felt nauseous as she looked at her front door. She looked away and went on with getting Charmaine out of the truck.

"Let's go around back, I don't want you to get cut on the glass"

As they walked by it, she felt the anger bubble back up. As much as she wanted to take her anger out on something she channeled it into cuddling her daughter. She wasn't sure what she would do without that little girl.

"I'll clean up the glass. You go and change into something comfortable. I'll make us some Lunch" Sydney just nodded numbly as she walked into the bedroom. She laid Charmaine on the bed so she could change her clothes. Seconds later they with cuddled up together, watching a Disney movie. Well, Sydney was deep into thought was Charmaine intensely watching The Princess and the Frog.

Sydney hadn't realized how deep into the thought she was until she felt Ink slip to bed and wrap his arms around her. She didn't have the energy to move so she just watched as Charmaine bounced happily at the singing coming from the movie.

"I've got you baby" ink whispers into her ear which makes her lip tremble. She knew a breakdown was gonna happen sooner or later. Sydney had really hope for later rather than sooner.

Ink and Sydney  |T.W #2|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora