Short V

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I pulled myself up the side of the building, my arms burning from the constant effort. I dug my finger tips into the cracks on the wall, testing the hold before pulling myself up bit by bit. I didn't cast a single look down. I let go with one hand, reaching my free hand up towards the top of it, grabbing ahold of the old lining. I tested my grip, hoping I had a decent hold for the moment. I reached my other arm up, the pits of my other arm burning. I wrapped my fingers around the lip, hauling myself up, and over the ledge, flipping over the edge, ungracefully falling to the floor, cracking my elbow against the wall.

I didn't move for several moments, one hand nursing my elbow and my legs strewn out in front of me. I didn't care. I made it. I looked towards the clouded-over sky, closing my eyes. I made it. I waited for my heart to return to a semi-normal pace, where the sound of blood rushing through my veins wasn't the only thing that I could hear. I pulled myself to my feet, keeping my eyes closed.

I looked down at my wrist. The simple watch read: "13:31". Plenty of time. Plenty of time. That's all I had to worry about. Time, and avoiding the infected down beneath me, roaming across the streets. I was lucky I escaped them that time. "Diaz, you there?" The audio spurtted from my radio, cracked and broken. Distance interference.

"I'm here," I answered, peering out over the edge of the building. They were still there, but their eyes were no longer cast up in my direction. Already forgot about me. Two of them were having a meal by one of the old vehicles still on the road

"Good. Do you have eyes on the supply drop?" I was barely able to make out Andrew's voice now.

"Not yet. Should be here soon. Fifteen minutes until next run," I answered him, resting my elbows on the ledge, still looking down into the crowd of infected. We never gave them a name, a real name. It varied from place to place. Some were called Runners, some called them the over-used name Zombie. I just called them Infected. They aren't dead, and… most don't run.

"Aren with you?"

"No, he's at the other location," I answered swiftly, pushing myself away from the ledge, swinging my backpack off my shoulder and onto the roof top, making a thud as it hit. The infected down below gave low growls at the sudden noise, searching for the source. They wouldn't remember it for long.

"What?!" His voice exploded in my ear. They certainly heard that one. "You two split up?" He harsly said, the irratation clear in his voice. I flinched, digging through the contents of my bag.

I tucked the radio between my shoulder and head, unzipping the side pocket. "Two drop locations. He has one, I have the other," I muttered, just loud enough for him to pick it up.

"But you split up?" He persisted.

"Look, Andrew. He's closer to the base than I am, and near a safe house-"

"I don't give a shit, Diaz. I told you to stay together," His voice settled into a cold, menacing tone, sending chills up and down my spine. I didn't want to know how he looked right now. How pissed he must be to use that tone on me.

I clenched my jaw, pulling out a packet of fireworks duct-taped together. "We need the medicene, Andrew," I reminded him. "One of us will get it base to the base,"

"I'd rather have my two best Scouts in one piece than a handful of medicene, Jamie," He was pissed. He only ever used my first name when he was pissed.

"I'll make sure he get's back, then,"

"Dia- Jamie. If he get's killed, it's on your head,"

"I hope that means the same thing for him," I didn't give him a chance to respond, ending the chat with a press of a button, hooking the radio back on my belt. I pulled my lighter from my pocket, lighting the fuse on the fireworks before tossing it several meters away from the infected. That should keep them distracted until they forgot.

I almost missed the plane. I barely saw the package fall, and, by the time I did, it was close to dipping right off the building beside me, making me climb downm retrieve it, and run like hell. I shot to the edge of the building, leaning over the edge, extending a hand in it's direction. I barely caught the top of the parachute. I yanked it up bit by bit, careful to not tear the strings connecting it.

I pulled it the final way forward, up over the ledge with me. I collapsed on the ground, hugging the red package to my chest. I undid the bindings, peering inside. All twelve vials were inside.

-I should have been writing BOOH. But this came into my head. Don't ask-

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