Chapter Two

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When we got back from Carlos' game, we climbed out of the car only to hear Julie screaming as she ran out of the studio. "Woah, you look like you've seen a ghost."

"I have." Julie shouted.

"Cool." Carlos grinned.

"Not cool. Run!" Julie told them both before she ran inside the house with them following her. I took a deep breath and began to walk to the studio.

"Hello?" I asked as I walked inside.

"Who the hell are you?" One of the three boys standing in front of me, asked.

"Who the hell are y- wait... you can see me?" I questioned.

"Of course we can see you." The blonde one told me.

"You're dead?"

"Uh, yeah." The brunette in the leather jacket said sarcastically.

"I'm Luke. This is Reggie and Alex." The other one told me.

"Why are you here?" I asked, ignoring him.

"This is our studio."

"No, it's not. It's-" I began but I stopped myself. "Could you just leave before Julie comes back?"

It was then the three ghosts poofed so I couldn't see them and Julie entered the studio with a cross in her hand, walking right through me. "Are you still here?" She asked, shakily. "Whatever you are?" The girl then dropped her arms to her side. "I know I saw something. I'm not crazy."

"We're all a little crazy." Luke told her as the three of them reappeared. Julie then screamed once more as she held the cross out in front of her.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my mom's studio?" Julie asked them.

"Your mom's studio? This is our studio. Trust me, my...the grand piano is new and... and... and my couch!" Luke exclaimed as he jumped onto the sofa. "But that is definitely not my six string. Can you give me just one second?"

Luke then approached the boys and I walked out of the studio, leaning on the wall outside before I fell to the floor with tears in my eyes. "Guys, what is going on?" Luke asked his friends. "How did she get her stuff in here so fast?"

"Maybe... maybe she's a witch. There's chairs floating on the ceiling." One of the other boys said.

"Okay, there is no such thing as witches." The other one told him.

"You sure? Because I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts."

"That's fair."

"Okay, so we're going with witch?" Luke asked.

"No, we're not going with witch. Okay, look. She's just scared. Okay. Let someone with a softer touch handle this." The blonde one said. "Why are you in our studio?" He then asked Julie.

"Oh, my gosh!" I heard Julie shout, making me stand up and turn around the corner to see the boys looking at her. "How did you do that?"

"Clearly, you're not understanding... she doesn't get it." Alex sighed. "Okay, look, we're ghosts, alright? We're just three ghosts and we're happy to be home. So thank you for the flowers, they really brighten up the room."

"We're actually in a band called Sunset Curve." Luke told the girl.

"Tell your friends." Reggie added.

"Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. It was gonna change our lives." Luke continued.

"I'm pretty sure it did." Alex told him.

"This is freaking me out." Julie said.

Julie then reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. "What is that? What are you doing?" Luke asked her.

"It's my phone. No. Stop talking to them. They're not real. There's no such thing as cute ghosts." Julie told herself.

"Oh, you think we're cute?" Reggie asked.

"Who you calling?" Alex questioned.

I'm googling sunset swerve."

"Sunset Curve." The boys told her in unison.

"Woah. There is a Sunset Curve. You did die. But not last night." Julie told the boy band. "25 years ago?"

"What? No. That's impossible. After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex cried."

"Well... I don't think- I think we were all pretty upset, okay." Alex said in a high pitch voice.

"But that was just for like an hour." Luke said. "We just showed up here."

"Look, I'm just telling you what my phone says." Julie told them as she showed the ghosts her phone screen. "See? You died in 1995. When you were seventeen. It's now 2020."

"So this is the future?" Reggie questioned.

"Wait, so... so, it has been 25 years?" Alex asked. "I've been crying for 25 years! How is that possible?"

"Your a very emotional person."

"I am not!"

It was then that Carlos walked straight through me with a smile on his face. "I thought you were afraid to come out here." He told Julie. "You talking to your ghost friend? How's he look? Is he hideous?"

"He can see you." Alex told Reggie.

"No, he can't." Julie said. Carlos then looked around, confused.


"What do you want?"

"A normal sister. Stop being weird and come eat."

Carlos then left the studio and Julie frowned. "He couldn't see you." She said.

"Yeah, I mean, that's usually how ghosts work." Julie then sighed and she headed for the door before stopping beside me and turning back to look at the boys.

"Look, I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave."

"We didn't get your name." Luke told the girl.

"It's Julie."

"Cool. I'm Luke... by the way. And this is-"

"Reggie. I'm Reggie."

"Alex. How's it going?"

"Okay?" Julie asked before she walked away. 

Ghosted - Luke | Julie and the Phantoms Where stories live. Discover now