What Happened To The Scarlett Locks (unknown author)

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"Are you ready to explain to us what happened?"


"Then begin when you're ready."

Agent Barton lifted his head to look up at his fellow agent. Both had fallen silent, only the hum of the helicarrier's engine buzzed in the air. The Agent looked back down at his hands; bandages were still wrapped around them, only a few fingers were left uncovered. He was normally a relaxed person, calm enough to hit the eye of a man bent over a hundred feet away behind a park bench, but now his knee was bouncing beyond his control.

"Agent Barton."

"It was a routine mission, I say this not because we were careless...I say this because we had done this before and so our movements were repeated ones. We had done this before." Agent Barton began. "We had made it past the first wave of security easy, into the factory hold onto the first floor. Agent Romanoff compromised two security guards to get us clearance to the stairwell."

"We reached the second floor of the factory where it was planned for us to split up. I would take the balcony; she would retreat to the bottom floor and enter through the back way." Agent Barton explained, his eyes never moving from his hands, his forearms resting on his knees.

"Remember the plan." Natasha said simply, her back to Clint as she studied the hallway.

"I know the plan." Clint said simply, hand moving to the dagger on his belt.

"You have one minute and twenty three seconds to clear the balcony for yourself, beyond that your eyes stay on the floor." Natasha continued and then turned to look up at him.

"I know." Clint replied a smirk on his lips as he reached behind him, pulling an arrow from his quiver. He held it up between them, steel eyes dancing behind his sunglasses. "One for luck?" He questioned. Natasha sighed, rolling her eyes for a moment before leaning forward and pressing her lips to the side of the arrow head; her eyes locking in on Clint's through the sunglasses. She pulled away slowly and then turned, starting down the hallway. Clint smirked and then turned, disappearing down the side hallway to the balcony entrance.

"There was only one man guarding the balcony on the entrance from where I entered, I quickly took out the second on the other side of the balcony. There were eighteen men on the floor, one operating a crane, the big man in charge behind a desk, with two men next to him near the desk. The rest were scattered on the floor." Agent Barton described with a deep breath.

"Agent Romanoff entered in the far back left corner of the factory floor. She proceeded to compromise two of the men before the others became aware. I shot the crane operator in the neck, his machine lost control and proceeded to hit another man. Fourteen."

"Agent Romanoff compromised a third man. Thirteen. It was then I noticed a small marked box among the artillery supplies; big enough to cause an explosion, but not big enough to set off a chain reaction. I shot the box, it exploded and it took out the two nearest men. Eleven."

"By this time Agent Romanoff had proceeded towards the desk. We were instructed to keep the man in charge alive for as long as possible. She took out the two men closest to him. Nine. I took out another man who knocked over a stack of boxes on his way down. Eight."

"It was at this time that Agent Romanoff was fighting with three of the men. I took out another man who had a gun. Seven. The group as a whole was moving closer to the ammo boxes. I compromised another man, six, as Agent Romanoff was still locked in a fight with the three men, one of which got the upper hand on her, injuring her arm. I then compromised the man who hurt Agent Romanoff. Five."

"Agent Romanoff was beginning to become compromised, when I spotted another box like the one before. It had...the...exact same markings as the ones before; I would know. I was sure. It was the same markings, it should have had the same artillery inside as the one before." Agent Barton explained his jaw clenching.

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