Chapter I

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"Camila, let's go." Dinah yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" The brunette replied as she hurried down the stairs to meet the Polynesian.

"Took you long enough." Dinah complained as she walked out the kitchen.

"Camila mija, what time will your class end?" Sinuhe asked appearing for the kitchen behind Dinah.

"I don't know yet Mami, why?" The brunette asked as she accepted the banana Dinah was offering her.

"Could you look after Sofi afterwards?" Sinuhe said. Camila just nodded.

"I'm so sorry mija, I know you want to spend some nights with the girls but.." Sinuhe started but was cut off when Camila placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's fine Mami, I told you let me help you." Camila said. Sinuhe shook her head no.

"Camila, you're studying. I want you to maintain your scholarship." Sinuhe said. Camila was about to argue when Sinuhe spoke up again.

"Let's go, you'll be late for school." Sinuhe said as they all walked out the house. It was a beautiful day in Los Angeles, the skies were clear, the sun was perfectly uninterrupted by clouds. It's been two years since they've moved to the place. Camila is now on her first year of College, a few more months and she'll be in Sophomore. Camila was offered a dormitory, but she declined the offer knowing her Mother needed her more. The University was kind enough to estimate monthly expenses and hand it to the brunette.

"Mila." Dinah said as she waved her hand in front of the brown eyed girl. Sofia had been calling the woman's attention for a while now.

"Yeah sorry, what?" Camila asked politely.

"I was trying to say goodbye Kaki." Sofi said as she smiled and waved at Camila before going out the car. The drive to the university was silent. Sinuhe was deep in her thoughts, she was earning enough money, but she needed to earn more for her daughters. It's nearly vacation and she wanted her daughters to have a nice vacation. She wanted to take them somewhere as a reward for them.

"Mom." Camila called out, cutting Sinuhe out of trance.

"Yes?" Sinuhe said looking at the duo from the rearview mirror.

"You passed the university." Camila chuckled. Sinuhe abruptly stopped the car making the two lunges forward.

"Ouch! Aunty Sinu!" Dinah exclaimed holding her head. Sinuhe apologized and parked the car along the road for the girls to get out. Dinah was the first one to get out.

"Wish me luck mija." Sinuhe smiled as Camila nodded.

"I told you, you don't need to overtime. We're fine Mami." Camila said as she kissed her Mom's forehead before getting out the car and walking inside the university.

"I can't believe you're taking Business Ad." Dinah said as she held Camila's books.

"Well, it's the closest thing I can get to that will offer me a job after I finish." Camila replied. She was thinking of practicality. Camila wanted to help her family as soon as possible. Other than working in the office, Sinuhe always had a passion for cooking.

"Such a practical minded human you are." Dinah laughed. The two continued to walk inside the university, where they accidentally bump into a smaller figure.

"Omg. I'm so sorry!" The woman said as she turned to look at Dinah.

"No, no, I'm sorry we're the ones that bumped into you." Dinah said as Camila helped her up.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you two before." The woman asked politely.

"Oh! Kind of, I guess?" Camila replied shyly.

"Kind of?" Ally asked chuckling.

"We're freshmen." Dinah smiled.

"I see, I may be at least 8 months late but, Welcome to UCLA. I'm Ally." Ally smiled. Camila smiled and accepted Ally's handshake.

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