Chapter II

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"Well that's it for today class, I hope you enjoy summer vacation. I'll see you back by August!" Mr. Everson said.

"You're now dismissed, future Sophomores. Miss Cabello, I need a word with you please." He added. The students cheered and evacuated the room quickly. It was finally Summer Vacation; Camila couldn't help but feel relieved. She can finally stay at home all she wants.

"Mils!" Becky called out.

"Yeah?" Camila responded as she fixed her things. Becky smiled at her and hugged her.

"I'll miss you! I'll be going home for summer vacay." Becky smiled.

"You take care there Rebecca." Michael said as he joined the conversation. They waved goodbye to each other until it was time for Camila to finally talk with her professor.

"Well done Ms. Cabello, your grades are outstanding!" The professor said smiling and clapping his hand.

"Thank you sir." Camila shyly smiled as she fumbled with her long sleeve.

"Listen, the school wants to give you a full scholarship for an outstanding performance. If before you only had 75 percent less, this coming Sophomore year, you'll be a full-time scholar." He smiled.

"Wow! Really?! Thank you so much Sir! Mom would be so happy!" Camila smiled. The professor gave her a piece of envelope with a letter inside it before dismissing her. The brunette walked the hallways happily as she thought of how her mother would react. Camila wanted to try something new, Since Sinuhe was already home, she took the time to drive herself to the gasoline station they had talked about two months ago. She already made the decision to work there this coming summer, in fact-she even went there a few weeks after her birthday was celebrated to apply. The manager was kind enough to dismiss her and told her she'll be hired for the summer.

"Ah! Camila!" The manager smiled as Camila walked inside the store. The gasoline station was not that far from their house.

"Mr. H! Hi, I just wanted to drop by and tell you Summer's already staring." Camila smiled.

"Really now? Well then, I'll be seeing you here every day?" Mr. H said as he smiled. Camila nodded and went to help the man who was carrying tissue papers.

"Oh no dear, I'm fine." The man said as he refused to be helped, Camila being the stubborn she was continued to help the man by getting some of the tissues he was carrying.

"Do you want to do a dry run dear?" Mr. H smiled as they loaded the whole shelf.

"I can do that?" Camila grinned excitedly.

"Of course! Come here." The man smiled as they went to the cashier.

"So here are the candies, these are different flavored, make sure to keep them in place. Here are a few boxes of cigarettes. Majority of the people filling their tanks here are fond of buying cigarettes." Mr. H said as he laughed. Camila made a face as the man mentioned cigarettes.

"These brands are the most selling ones, so you should always make sure to check if you still have the stocks. Some stocks are there by the door behind you, others are by the other room near my office." Mr. H said. The backdoor had two more doors inside when you open it, it was either Mr. H's office, or the Stock room.

"Well then, let's try out your capabilities young one. Serve that first customer of yours. Make sure to greet them! I'll be by the back." Mr. H smiled as he walked away from the counter making sure to point at the guy walking to the store. There were two doors in the Mart, one was by the cashier and the other one was by the back.

"Hello! Welcome to H-Mart." Camila greeted as the man walked in.

"Hey. Do you happen to have some tampons?" The guy shyly asked.

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