Chapter XVIII

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"Camila, stop. This is too much Jesus!" Ally exclaimed as she entered Camila's apartment.

"I'm not going to school." Camila mumbled as she flopped down the couch.

"Mila, you have to. This semester's starting in two days, Sinuhe is really worried." Austin said as he appeared from the doorway.

"Then tell Mom I'm fine." Camila said as she tried to shrug both Austin and Ally away.

"Camila, this isn't healthy at all." Austin said as he picked up bottles and wrappers from the floor.

"So? Fuck it." The brunette mumbled as she continued to take a chug of another beverage.

"Sorry I'm late." Dinah said as she entered the household.

"Walz? What the hell happened to you?" Dinah asked as she saw her bestfriend.

"Lauren happened." Camila mumbled coldly as Austin took the beer out her hands.

It's been three weeks, three whole weeks since the raven went missing. Camila was devastated, not a single call nor a text from her. Just a note saying "I'm sorry Camila."

December 9th 2016

"Camila! How many times do I have to tell you not to clean my table?!" Lauren exclaimed frustrated.

"What are you even talking about? I haven't touched your table at all." Camila replied.

"Then where is the blueprint? I'm certain it was here!" Lauren said.

"I don't know. It's your stuff how am I supposed to know?"

"I'm going out." Lauren mumbled frustrated as she stood up from the table and went to grab her coat.

"Hang on, where are you going?" Camila said as she stood in front of the door.

"I need to go to the office or something, Let me be." Lauren mumbled before coughing.

"Have you been smoking again Lauren?" Camila asked sternly as Lauren shook her head.

"You've been coughing for a while now."

"I'm not, Jeez get of my back for a while will you?!" Lauren said angrily as she forcefully pulled Camila from the door.

"Then what the hell has gotten into you?!" Camila exclaimed as her girlfriend continued to walk away as if she was not asking her a question. Camila frustratedly slammed the door in annoyance and continued to work on her homework. A few hours later, she received a text from Lauren.

"Don't wait for me, I'm at Halsey's."

Camila ran her fingers through her hair stressed out. It was just the start of December and they've been fighting again non-stop.

December 13th, 2016

"Jesus Christ Lauren!" Camila exclaimed as Lauren laughed and giggled on the couch.

"Camz! Sit with me come on." Lauren chuckled.

"Have you been drinking?" Lauren smiled nodding then shaking her hear no.

"I'm not drinking." The raven haired girl giggled as she continued to strip her footwear off.

"Lucy told me not to tell Camila we drank because it's her father's birthday." Lauren chuckled out of the blue.

"You went out with Lucy?" Camila asked, Lauren smiled and nodded.

"Shh! Camila might hear." The raven said while Camila winced in annoyance.

Strawberries and Cigarettes (Camren AU)Where stories live. Discover now