Chapter One: The Discovery

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The first time it had happened had been completely and utterly unexpected. Alec had woken up to an empty bed, the smell of Magnus surrounding him and urging him to go back to sleep; and he may have done just that if it hadn't been for the barely contained shouts that drifted from underneath the door into the Shadowhunter's ears. So with a soft sigh and a shiver he slipped out from the colorful sheets and their warmth, moving to one of the drawers of the dark purple dresser across the room and yanking on a pair of loose gray sweatpants. He briefly considered grabbing a weapon of sorts in case it was something dangerous but he pushed the thought away with a shrug. His bow and arrows were near the closet just down the hall near the main door, Alec could easily grab them in less than a moments time and between him and Magnus any fool idiotic enough to try to cause trouble would be more than out of their depth.

He twisted the handle gently, taking care to be quiet in case it was something Downworlder or client-related that he wasn't supposed to be privy to and slipped silently through the door, padding down the hall, eyes alert. As he got closer to the living room the yelling became clearer.

"What do you mean you can't help me, Bane?" The voice was gravelly, hints of growls and snarls peeking through. Werewolf.

"Exactly that," Magnus' voice was calm, controlled. Just the way a volcano was before it exploded.

Alec creped further down the hall, peeking his head out just enough to see the two men standing just a few distances away. Magnus was leaning against the arm of the hot pink couch, shirtless with arms crossed and his expression not impressed as he glared levelly at the burly Werewolf across from him. A Werewolf who was literally vibrating in anger.

"-Can't you just take a couple minutes to do it? I know you can Bane, don't give me that shit."

Magnus' eyes narrowed, pupils almost disappearing into the swirls of gold, green and hazel, his expression sending a series of shudders crawling down the exposed skin of Alec's back.

"Yes, I can do it. But I won't."

"AND WHY THE HELL NOT?" The werewolf snarled, large fists clenching as a few specks of spit went flying. Had Alec been paying attention he may have been concerned for Magnus, but he wasn't. Instead he was focused on the look of cold calculation on his Warlock's face, his face a set of stone save for the two pools of liquid that burned like fire.

"Why? Why?" Magnus repeated, voice rising. "Maybe because you came in here at six in the morning, spouting off about some 'poor wittle pup needing a cough syrup' and arguing about me not giving you said cough syrup until a later date for almost an hour! Oh, and maybe, just maybe," Magnus snarled, lip curling as he straightened. "It's because you interrupted a sleep that I was quite honestly enjoying when you refused to stop ringing the BLOODY BUZZER!"

The werewolf flinched back at the pure look of rage he received; eyeing the blue sparks that rained down from the Warlock's hands. A wave of fear, cold and clammy washed over him a complete opposite to what the Shadowhunter listening in on was experiencing.

God, Alec thought, his breath catching in his throat. He had never seen Magnus so angry and... Dominant before. The closest the Warlock had ever gotten to snapping like that was when Chairman Meow had accidently knocked his bottle of 'limited edition!' glitter into the bathroom sink -Alec had felt bad for the poor cat after that. No. This was completely different from anything Alec had ever seen and to be honest, it turned him on in a completely bewilderingly hot way.

"Now," Magnus spoke, his voice a controlled whisper as he took a step towards the werewolf. "If you don't get out of my bloody apartment within the next five seconds I will personally make sure that you wake up with roots growing out of your skin and bugs crawling in your intestines."

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