Chapter Three: The Decision

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To say Magnus was surprised would be a bit of an understatement. In fact, he was torn between pinching himself just to make sure it wasn't a dream and swearing profusely for letting Alec get away before he could do anything. So, he did both.

"Ouch! God dammit!" He rubbed at the tanned skin of his lower arm, frowning. So it wasn't a dream. He hadn't imagined Alec saying in that deep, lust-filled voice, "More." God. Magnus nearly moaned just thinking about it.

The Warlock leaned back against the couch, eyes staring blankly at the green walls, mind racing. Okay, Bane, start from the beginning. He mentally told himself, casting his mind back to almost three weeks ago, when Alec's odd behavior had began.

It was on a Saturday. He had come back into the bedroom after arguing with a client -who had oh so rudely interrupted a nice cuddling session with his lover- expecting to see his love still fast asleep only to find him in the bathroom with the door locked. When he had called out to him, Alec had answered that he was about to take a shower and when he had offered to join him Alec had almost seemed... Panicked? Was that the word for it? No. Magnus frowned. It was more along the lines of... Needy. Desperate. Yes. That was more like it.

He cast his mind ahead through the weeks, running through every encounter, every discussion, every behavior. He remembered the way Alec seemed petrified of him coming close, how every time he managed to catch a brief glimpse of his love's eyes they were filled with a longing and what almost seemed fear. He remembered how every time he spoke Alec seemed to jump, how his breathing would increase, his face flushing if Magnus was close -and while that was usually normal for Alec, it really wasn't in this case. Usually Magnus had to actually be in contact with the Shadowhunter to get him to blush, and even then Alec was beginning to get the hang of not flushing at the littlest of gestures and comments.

And then there was the "More." Alec's voice had sounded so strangled, so needy, almost as if he were begging for Magnus. And then there was the fact that when the Warlock had bitten harder than normal on accident, instead of scolding him he had simply held Magnus closer and with that moan...

He ran through it all once more. The need in Alec's eyes. The unusual behaviors. The longing. The embarrassment. The fear. The moan...

He shook his head. Think Bane! Think!

The day it began Magnus had come back from the front door only to see Alec was in the bathroom. His Shadowhunter had always been a light sleeper so it was entirely possible he had woken up to the shouting, walked down the hall and seen... What? What would it have looked like to Alec?

Magnus tried to put himself in Alec's shoes. Tried to imagine what he would have seen, would have thought. He imagined waking to muted voices shouting at one another, slipping out the door, padding down the hall silently and swiftly. He would reach the end where the hall curved out into the living room and would peer out, getting a clear view of both of their faces. The Werewolf would be near the door, quivering in rage, face red in barely contained anger. Magnus would be leaning against the arm of the couch, eyes narrowed and arms crossed. The Warlock didn't know how long Alec would have stayed, but he had to have stayed for at least part of the ending argument that had sent the Werewolf running out the door with his tail between his legs, otherwise his love wouldn't be acting like this. So Magnus imagined watching quietly as he grew more and more irritated and pissed off, finally snapping and allowing his anger to seep out. He imagined watching as Magnus let his calm uncaring personality fade away, his eyes turning hard and burning brightly as he snarled at the Werewolf, acting in a way that had the Werewolf's highest instincts on alert of his dominance- Oh. Magnus blinked, sucking in a deep breath. Oh.

Magnus stiffened. He could almost hear the pieces clicking into place.

Alec had seen- Had seen the side he struggled to control. Had seen Magnus when he was at his most authoritative, most dangerous- He had seen it and judging by how his Shadowhunter was acting he had been... aroused. He had been aroused and knowing Alec, confused at just why he was aroused in the first place.

The Fetish { ] Magnus Bane x Alec Lightwood [ }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang