Chapter Six : The Result Part Three

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"Why did you stop?"

Magnus blinked in surprise, back stiffening and hand freezing in the Shadowhunter's hair.

Alec, who took his silence the wrong way continued on. "Oh angel! I didn't do it wrong did I? I tried to follow what you said but I screwed up didn't I? Oh god, do you not want to do this anymore? I-"

"Alec." Magnus finally choked out, raising a finger to his lover's lips. "Shut up."

The Shadowhunter paused mid-sentence before closing his mouth, eyes searching his Warlock's face for any hint as to what was going on.

"Let me get this straight." Magnus murmured. "Even after all that, after you hurting yourself, you still want to continue?" He turned incredulous eyes down to his love.

"Umm, yes?"

"Alec, you hurt yourself because of a command I gave you."

Alec tilted his head to the side in confusion. "I... Was I not supposed to follow your commands? Because I thought that was kind of the point..." He trailed off at the expression on his lover's face.

"Wha- I- You-" Magnus opened and closed his mouth hopelessly. For once the Warlock was completely speechless. He shook his head. "You are amazing you know that?"

The Shadowhunter smiled somewhat bemusedly. "I thought that title was for you?"

"No, dear. You're getting 'magnificent' mixed up with 'amazing'."

The boy shrugged. "They're both your titles." He smiled softly, leaning up to kiss the Warlock a soft kiss quickly going heated. A battle of tongues commenced and as before Alec quickly gave his submission to Magnus, moaning when the Warlock bit down on his lip. "Magnus, I would like to continue."

The Warlock backed away, gazing down at the flushing face of his blue-eyed beauty. "Are you sure?"

"Y-" Alec breathed in. "Yes. I... Liked it. It was a little strange at first but it felt good." A smile played along his lips before he gestured downwards shyly. "As I'm sure you can see."

Magnus smirked before it gave way to seriousness. "Alec... Are you sure? You don't have to do this just because of me."

"Magnus." Alec said firmly, gazing up into his eyes. "I want this. Not just because of you but because I..." He swallowed nervously. "Because I enjoy it."

When the Warlock still looked slightly uncertain, the Shadowhunter leaned up, letting his lips skim his love's cheek before he stopped just inches away for his lips. "I want this." And then, "Please Master, let's continue."

And how in Lilith's name could Magnus resist that? He gave a small growl, capturing the Shadowhunter's lips once more in a heated kiss. Alec shifted his body, throwing his legs over the Warlock's hips so that he was straddling him, tangling his fingers in the silky strands of black at Magnus' neck.

Magnus pulled back with a gasp, gazing up at his lover with darkened golden eyes. "Lay back."

Alec shivered at the return of that voice, obeying the command and resting his head back into the pillows. He looked up at the Warlock who was crouched between his legs, awaiting the next command.

"Arms above your head." Magnus moved forwards, reaching up to take Alec's wrists in one hand as the other grabbed the padded leather. He pulled on one of the ropes a bit to get a few more inches of slack, not wanting to give the Shadowhunter another chance to hurt himself. The leather tightened into place and Alec was once again, bound and helpless.

Magnus gazed down at him for a moment, taking in the way his blue eyes were gazing up at him with anticipation, his full lips parted as low pants escaped and black hair falling into his eyes. God he was gorgeous.

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