Chapter 5

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Scarlett p.o.v


(Savannah - tell him he will understand.

Scarlett - i am scared what if he rejects me after telling him?

Savannah - you don't know that. I've been talking to his wolf and they want us.

Scarlett - did you?

Savannah - no I haven't told them about what happened am leaving that to you.

Scarlett - thanks a lot)

I look to Blake and he reachs over and takes my hand in his.

Blake - you don't have to tell me if you aren't ready.

Scarlett - no I should tell you the truth you see you are my second mate.

He looks hurt.

Blake - oh

Scarlett - no please let me explain. You see two years ago I met my first mate Ben I throught he could make me happy but it wasn't to be he cheated on me with the alphas daughter. When i found them together I got so mad I forced shifted and killed her then turning to Ben I or should I say Savannah actually ripped his dick off then I rejected him. You might of guessed that the alpha wasn't happy so before banishing me he used his claws and gave me these.

I point the the scars on my cheek then look down.

Scarlett - since then I've been wondering we'll now you know I felt so ashamed that I couldn't return to my pack I didn't want them to see me with these so that's how I became a rouge.

I wait and to be honest am waiting on him rejecting me i can hear Savannah trying to talk in my head but I block her out. He stands up from his chair this is it i knew i shouldn't have told him but to my surprise he come around and kneels down in front of me.

Blake - Scarlett am so sorry you went though that and that he cheated on you but I promise you am nothing like that. I will spend how ever long it takes to gain your trust baby girl.

I can hear Savannah wagging her tail and running around in my head as I smile back to Blake.

Scarlett - so your not rejecting me?

Blake - no am gonna......

He stops mid-sentience I see his eyes go grey which means he talking to his wolf or someone in the pack. After a few mins his eyes go back to normal.

Scarlett - is something wrong?

Blake - I am so sorry Scarlett but there is a trouble but at the house we need to go back now.

He offers me his hand and i take it. I wonder what could be wrong hope no one is hurt. We reach the pack house in no time once inside Connor comes to greet us.

Connor - sorry to pull you in from you date i know you didn't want to be interrupted but a stranger has come into our turf.

Blake - what's their reason?

Connor - no idea

While those two were talking Suddenly I get a feeling and sniff the air it can't be can it? Without thinking I follow the scent I hear Blake calling for me but I keep going until I reach his office opening the door I see a face I never throught I would again.

Scarlett - RYAN!!!!

Ryan - SCARLETT!!!!

My big brother is actually here. He stand from the chair he was in and I jump into his arms and get the biggest bear hug ever from him.

Ryan - i finally found you.

I then hear a low and angry growl coming from the doorway I look back to see a very pissed off Blake.

(Savannah - i dont think he knows that has our brother say something fast)

Blake - get your fucking hands off my mate!!!

Blake looks like hes gonna rip Ryan's head off before he can even move I rush out of my brothers arms to my mates putting my hands onto his chest. He looks to me his eyes red hes so angry.

Scarlett - Blake please don't hurt my brother

Both him and Connor give me a shocked look I look into Blake's eyes he seems to be calming down just hope Ryan doesn't say something stupid to wind him up.

Ryan - like this mutt could hurt me.

Oh great (!) Why did he have to open his mouth I glare back to my brother.

Scarlett - Ryan shut up your not helping.

I look back to Blake he still mad

(Savannah - kiss him it will calm him.

Scarlett - why does that sound that you just want to kiss him.

Savannah - just trust me woman)

I can see that Blake isn't calming down so without thinking I cup his face and smash my lips onto his kissing him deeply. Savannah is running around in my head all exticed I can feel his arms wrap around my waist. After a few minutes The sound of a throat being cleared breaks the kiss. Looking around I see it was Ryan that cleared his throat

Scarlett - nice timing dickhead

Blake - Scarlett?

I look back to Blake and his eyes are back to normal.

Scarlett - feel beter?

He nods then looks to Ryan.

Blake - so he's your brother huh?

Scarlett - yeah I know i haven't told you anuthubg about my family yet.

Ryan - gezz thanks sis. Have you forgotten something?

Scarlett - oh right Ryan this is Blake the alpha king. Blake this is my brother Ryan he will be the next alpha of our pack.

Ryan - wait did you just say the Alpha king is your mate?

Scarlett - yeah

Ryan - only you could leave then find your mate in the alpha king

Scarlett - be nice Ryan

Blake offers his hand to Ryan and Ryan shakes it.

Blake as long as you dont want trouble with my pack and since you are my mates brother you are welcome here.

Scarlett - first question how did you even find me?

Ryan - easy well kind of  i look everywhere for you mum and dad are worried about you we heard what happened with Alpha reds pack.

Connor - Alpha Red? I know him he's such a ass. Oh am Connor Blake beta.

Ryan - nice to meet you. Any more questions sweet sister?

Scarlett - yeah but they can wait for later

Ryan - so you have found a second mate huh?

Scarlett - you can be such a dick sometimes

Ryan - and yet you still love....... (sniffing)

Scarlett - what's wrong Ryan?

Ryan - i can smell peppermint I think it's my mate

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