Chapter 16

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Scarlett p.o.v

Oh my god did he just say....... I feel my heart break for him he went though all that and I was a right bitch to him. Amy is crying again into Connors chest saying how sorry she was Blake went on to tell us what happened. Savannah was going nuts in my head she wanted to find that human and rip her apart but it would be breaking our laws since we can't attack humans. I just fell to my knees front of him I brust into fucking tears with my head down low.

Scarlett - am sorry..... (sniff) am so sorry I said those horrible things to you..... Am such a....

Blake cut me off by lifting my chin up to look at him but I couldn't look him in the eye I was so ashamed of myself I was a bad mate I should have let him explain first I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't want to see me again.

Blake - Scarlett look at me.

Scarlett - I can't am a bad mate.

Blake - Scarlett please look at me.

I look to his eyes mines are filled with tears he wipes my cheek with his thumb.

Blake - i wanted to get proof before I told you anything. It's not your fault I was the one who ran off like that. Am sorry for everything my love I love you Scarlett I would never hurt you like that.

Scarlett - can you forgive me for being a grumpy ass bitch?

Blake - you had ever right to be mad with me but yes I forgive you if you will forgive me?

I nod.

Scarlett - we will get though this right together?

Blake - together? You mean you still want me?

Am in shock that he would say that.

Scarlett - shouldn't i be saying that to you?

He takes one of my hand in his and places his other hand on my bump.

Blake - no matter what the DNA test says I will be a father to our pups and a mate to you.

Scarlett - oh Blake.

He wraps his arms around me and holds me.

Scarlett - and that bitch will pay dearly.

He stands up and holds me tighter but being careful not to hurt my belly.

Blake - as long as I have you and the pups no one will hurt us again.

Amy  - Blake we are all with you and am sorry too.

Blake - it's fine little sister now comes a other dangerous thing to do.

In union

Scarlett - what?

Connor - what?

Amy - what?

Matt - what?

Blake - jezz there's an echo in here. I mean I will have to say something to the pack but I will need to talk to your brother and parents first Scarlett.

Unknown p.o.v

Girl - it's done i did what you asked of me now return to me what's mine.

Is she getting smart with me? Oh bad move sugar.

Stranger- but you failed me they didn't break up they are too strong together!!!!

I pin the little slut to the wall by her thoart she whines in pain stuggling for breath as I squeeze tighter.

Girl - please I did what you ask I drugged him then fucked him.

Stranger - and yet they are still together!! My plan is going to fail if they stay together I want those pups she's carrying!!!

I snap her neck and she fells to the ground I've been watching everything since Scarlett left her pack after seeing her old mate in bed with other she-wolf. Alpha Red wanted her I just want her pups. I need to kill the pups if they should be born and trained to be warriors then my bloodline will fall. Scarlett took something from me now i will take her pups but I need to wait till their are born before I take them.

Blake p.o.v

I dunno how I got such a loving mate am so proud of her and that she is mine it may take a while for us to sleep together but I know she won't make me do anything I don't wanna do. I have a friend at the local police station who is also one for us i told him what happened to me and he is going to look into it we might not able to do anything but maybe is she goes to jail it will help me to heal. It was hard telling Scarlett's parents, her brother and some of the pack about it since they hated me for running but Scarlett stood by my side the whole time. I am in bed with my mate in my arms I swear one day am gonna marry this girl. She looks so peaceful sleeping in my arms I gentle rub my hand over her baby bump it's scared me to think that the pups might be Alpha red's but that was no good enough to run away my mate needed me and I just ran like a coward but now i will make up for it and these pups will be loved no matter if they are mine or his.

(Titan - they are our pups. I can feel it.

Blake - how do you know?

Titan - i can smell better then you dipshit. I can smell the pups in the womb and they have our scent half  ours anyway.

Blake - what who's the other half?

Titan - oh my god really!!? Am taking about Scarlett you dumb fuck.

Blake - i know i was winding you up.)

He growls at me and I just chuckle. I close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep but it doesn't come as it plays over and over on my head I get up and go to the bathroom to wash my face I stare at myself in the mirror.

I see that girls face over and over I get so angry that I punch the mirror causing it to smash in the sink I notice that my hand had been cut but right now I don't care Then I hear a little sweet voice.

Scarlett - baby?

Scarlett comes into the bathroom and sees what I've done she takes the first aid kit out of the cupboard and takes out the bits of glass then cleans it and covers it even tho it will heal but it's sweet she cares.

Scarlett - let's go back to bed.

I nod to her then we walk back into the bedroom and get into bed.

Scarlett - Blake I love you.

Blake - i love you too Scarlett more than you know.

She cuddles into me and this time i dirft off into a peaceful sleep.

A Second Chance MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora