Chapter 21

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Blake p.o.v


I rush over to the edge of the cliff as Scarlett goes over with that other she-wolf who was her best friend growing up from what i heard. I look over to see if I can see that but the only thing i see is the water hitting the rocks below I call her name.

Blake - SCARLETT!!!!!

I suddenly hear Talia crying so I look to Bella who's trying to calm her.

Blake - warriors spread out along the cliff find anything sigh of my mate.

They all run off Tank and Abbie head off to find any sigh of Scarlett i walk over to Bella and she hands me Talia who calms down. Ryan is pacing around so Bella trys to calm him down while Sara and Silver stay with me Titan is howling for his mate.

Hours went by and no word we took Talia home since it was getting cold and she was getting hungry so with help from Sara both Talia and Leo were fed along with Cole. Connor and Amy joined the search party but I didn't want to leave the twins even tho I was worried sick I've just settled the babies and Ryan comes in.

Ryan - anything?

I shake my head then I point to the sleeping babies telling him that I've just got them asleep so we head to my office since Talia was taken I've got some of the warriors guarding the outside on the grounds and outside their door. Me and Ryan had to my office his eyes are red and puffy.

Blake - Ryan we will find Scarlett

He cuts me off.

Ryan - it's not just Scar Blake.

Blake - then what's wrong?

We sit on the couch he signs.

Ryan - i think Bella wants to leave me.

Blake - what? Why? Is it cuz of Cole?

Ryan - no i never told her about Kate even tho I only saw her as a sister so that was the first she heard about it and now she's avoiding me.

Blake - it's probably just the shock of everything she will come around.

Ryan - how are you so calm With your mate missing.

Blake - Ryan to be honest with you an trying my best to keep it together even tho I want to be out there looking but I dont wanna leave the twins.

Ryan - do you want to go look?

I nod Then there is a knock on the door.

Blake - come in

In walks Bella.

Blake - Bella what can i do for you?

Bella - i just heard all of that and  yous two need to get your heads out your ass. Your mate and your sister is missing and you guys are just sorting here even Connor is out looking.

Blake - Bella I want to but I can't leave the twins.

Bella - i will watch them and am sure Silver and Sara will help me out if i need it now get off your asses and get out there!!!

Then she points at Ryan.

Bella - and as for you am not leaving you Ryan you stupid idiot. I love you I know nothing happened between you and that slut Talon told Roxy who told me but that's not on my mind right now. Your sister is out there so both of you need to find her.

Ryan stands and goes over to her then hugs her it makes me want Scarlett. Then both me and Ryan go to meet the others and look for Scarlett. I check in with Bella every couple of hours on how the twins are we have milk for them since when Scarlett was in the hospital she used a breast pump to fill up some bottles so they won't go hungry for a good few days.

My Wolves has checked the human hospatil with no luck Am searching nearl the cliff when Tank mind links me.

(Tank - alpha.

Blake - yes Tank?

Tank - we....ummm found....the body of a woman on the beach.)

My heart stopped hearing that I raced as fast as I could to the beach once there I saw Tank and a few others standing around something I pushed past them but Tank and Dean grab me stopping me from getting any closer

Tank - no Alpha

Dean - Alpha.

Blake - Tank, Dean let me go I have to know.

They both lets me go and I go over to the body it was all chewed up every little nibber must have taken a bite. Their face was in the sand Titan was whimpering since he couldn't tell if it was Scarlett or not there was no scent coming from this body. I put my hand on the shoulder and started to turn them over once over I stare down at the face.

Blake - it's not Scarlett!!!

Scarlett where are you my love? I got my warriors to take this body to the hospatil then pick up the seach again I will find you Scarlett even if it kills me. I was happy it wasn't her but sad since she's still missing.

Scarlett p.o.v

I open my eyes and am on some sand my head hurts but.......

Scarlett - where am I?

Scarlett - who am I?

I feel water on my legs to I slowly crawl away from it but I pass out hearing a voice coming towards me.

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